dear mac users-virus warning macosX
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- 25 Responses
- krust0
so much for macs being invincible then!
- PublikStar0
thats rare!
- stewart0
that can't be a virus.
just a piece of Unix script executed in Terminal, right?
so any virusdetection won't work at all.
- ********0
It's not as rare as you all think.
Everytime a mac user gloats about not "having to use" anti-virus software I marvel at their stupidity.
- jeppe0
mac user since 2002, no viruses, no spyware, not once
- krust0
me too, since '99
- imakedesign0
windows user 1997 never had a virus.
- krust0
true, i've never had one on pc either, guess i'm just one lucky soab
- krust0
all these stupid anti virus progz do is run first, tell u they've found a bunch of imaginary shit on your hd, so user thinks 'oooo' i need this shit it really works!
- quamb0
never had virus on mac.
only a few on pc. but lotso spyware on pc. UGH. geek chuk.
- ********0
You'll be stung one day.
It's this attitude that makes the world go round for hackers.
Oh yeah.
PC and Mac, no virus, ever.
- krust0
nah mate, hackers like the fact that they have all these programs to get around. otherwise it wouldnt be much fun would it.
- stewart0
i remember the mac boot virus, back in 1998 or something.
- krust0
yeah i think the dudes at apple 'stupidly' said 'u cannot infect a mac'.
hence every hacker everywhere had a field day trying to figure one out.
- tank020
- anyone rember 666?
- kelpie0
yes! wtf was that? I had a nightmare with that in work and have no idea where it came from (I had just started and all the boxes in here broke)
- ********0
kelpie, where have you been. By the way, you are climbing ben nevis with us in march. Or so I was told last night.
- kelpie0
hahahahahahaahahaha, I think I might be in Barcelona, depends when in March.
How are you with dragging shivering, moaning people up mountains?
- ********0
hahahahahahaahahaha, I think I might be in Barcelona, depends when in March.
How are you with dragging shivering, moaning people up mountains?
(Feb 16 06, 04:17)Pretty good but only when it's myself. I take it you know what I'm talking about then.