9/11 Documentary

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  • spiralstarez0

    No one is saying that this IS exactly what happened, no one is saying that this was a huge conspiracy.

    But, the fact that plans like this HAVE been considered by the government in the past , makes it evident that it COULD happen.

    There is no harm in it entering the public domain and being discussed.

  • Mirpour0

    seen most of these documentaries and really this is way beyond "fucked up" if its even half the thruth..

    maybe the us gov is just really bad at explaining stuff ..I would still believe them and not give a shit..

    but Ive had a hard time imagining that a couple of arabs would pull a stunt like this..
    with all the resources and bad ass airforce in the states they couldnt see this coming ?

    then again im a fucking idiot

  • bassik0

    DogsBreath, you are the blind patriot aren't you.
    FOX from what I can tell over here (Aus) is the only one saying something different. No offense but the rest of the world thinks the greater US population (of course mostly republicans) are numbed blind patriarchs who will believe whatever their gov tells them. Once again no offence but it's important to realise who's running the country and who are the majority who are giving them their power?...
    Never be afraid to question your leaders and their motives.

  • DogsBreath0

    Bassik, no offense taken. I have no problem questioning those in positions of power or authority...in fact I relish.

    But the thought of this kind of mega attack being orchestrated by arms of the US Government are just way too much.

    Planned implosions of the WTC...sure thing. Yes, their were people in the Port Authority who told people they would need to vacate their offices so explosives could be planted there.

    Explosions heard in the WTC after the planes hit them...well no shit sherlock! Would a building of this size have gas pipes and other combustibles inside them?

    'An eyewitness talks of seeing a plane with "no windows" strike the WTC'. I defy anyone to see windows in an airplane travelling at close to 1,000kph.

    And for people to say that it is not harmful to air this type of stuff in the public domain...come on. This only gives fuel to those who already hate the west and will stop at nothing to recruit the suicide bombers of the future. "Just look at how evil the west is...they orchestrate an attack on their own people just to blame it on us...then they can invade us".

  • mbr0

    It's an interesting take.

    Honestly, I believe mankind is capable of anything in it's quest for power. The Bush admin has demonstrated that power is the #1 priority and is willing to eliminate the rights of the citizens and destroy countries to reach that illusive goal. Not that it's a unique to the Bush admin, but they've taken it to the next level.

    But then again, they've had the most time to plan with so many of B senior's staff on hand.

    I am still surprissed that people don't take about this:


    Worth looking over and clearly proves the Iraq war was planned in the first B admin.

    Why doens't the media talk about that?

    It should be obvious to everyone that Iraq, with Iran and NKorea's nuclear agendas, was no where near the largest threat.