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  • 11 Responses
  • tehgee

    from mals swear post link

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?

    When did you lose your virginity?

    What is your favourite swear word?

    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?

    What angers you most?

    What's your pet name?

    Which historical figure do you most admire?

    What three words best describe you?

    How do you relax?

    What is your worst fault?

    What would you change about your appearance?

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?

  • todelete__20

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?
    -- bottom of my feet
    When did you lose your virginity?
    -- never been to virginia
    What is your favourite swear word?
    -- fuck
    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?
    -- punch a dolphin
    What angers you most?
    -- those fuckers are so fast
    What's your pet name?
    -- bear bear
    Which historical figure do you most admire?
    -- captain america
    What three words best describe you?
    -- ultimate party animal
    How do you relax?
    -- sleeping
    What is your worst fault?
    -- bad gas
    What would you change about your appearance?
    -- clyclops eye
    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?
    -- who?

  • JazX0

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?

    A View To A Kill

  • mg330
  • gruntt0

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?

    - back of eyeballs

    When did you lose your virginity?

    - i've never been to virginia with kona.

    What is your favourite swear word?

    - damn (versatile and accepted in most every social setting)

    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?

    - fight a panda

    What angers you most?

    - white people

    What's your pet name?

    - biscuit and roscoe

    Which historical figure do you most admire?

    - dr. heathcliff huxtable

    What three words best describe you?

    - my first middle and last names

    How do you relax?

    - one beer (one after another that is)

    What is your worst fault?

    - my constant rambling of my wish to fight a panda bear.

    What would you change about your appearance?

    - my girth

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?

    - just one? too hard.

  • mg330

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?
    **sides of ribs

    When did you lose your virginity?
    Easter Sunday, 1997
    What is your favourite swear word?
    The F one

    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?
    Go kayaking and hiking in Alaska for a couple months.

    What angers you most?

    What's your pet name?
    Frankie (girl calico cat)

    Which historical figure do you most admire?
    Jane Goodall

    What three words best describe you?

    How do you relax?
    Masturbate then fall asleep.

    What is your worst fault?

    What would you change about your appearance?
    Lose my growing gut and have Brad Pitt abs.

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?

  • harlequino0

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?
    When did you lose your virginity?
    What is your favourite swear word?
    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die?
    -make a movie with puppets
    What angers you most?
    -ny wives driving suv's talking on a cell
    What's your pet name?
    Which historical figure do you most admire?
    What three words best describe you?
    -blue eyed devil
    How do you relax?
    What is your worst fault?
    -can't remember names
    What would you change about your appearance?
    -my legs
    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?
    -ordinary world

  • tehgee0

    What is the most sensitive part of your body? inna thai

    When did you lose your virginity? 26

    What is your favourite swear word? cockadoodle stewwwww

    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die? makeout with adrock

    What angers you most? when people say i mumble but really they are deaf

    What's your pet name? i have no pet :(

    Which historical figure do you most admire? suzie b

    What three words best describe you? short fat dum

    How do you relax? kicking boys in teh bawz

    What is your worst fault? not knowing when to say when

    What would you change about your appearance? i would liek to try and walk upright

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single? HOLD BACK TEH RAINNNNNN

  • kingjulien0

    What is the most sensitive part of your body?
    The bottom of my feet.

    When did you lose your virginity?
    7.16.89 10:37 pm

    What is your favourite swear word?
    Bitchassmuthafucka or cunt.

    What is the something you would like to do before you die?
    1. Publish a book and/or direct a film that will inspire people to chase their dreams and constantly re-evaluate the direction of their lives.
    2. Take photographs in England and/or Amsterdam
    2. Date Naomi Watts, Catherine Zeta Zones and/or Fiona Apple.

    What angers you most?
    When people tell me everything will be okay, when clearly it won't.

    What's your pet name?
    Used to have a cat named Tiger in elementary school, and also a black one a few years later named Coco.

    Which historical figure do you most admire?
    Stanley Kubrick

    What three words best describe you?
    Hungry for experience.

    How do you relax?
    Drugs. Art. Women.

    What is your worst fault?
    Inability to forgive and/or forget.

    What would you change about your appearance?
    Taller, darker, more handsome.

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?
    The Reflex

  • chossy0

    What is the most sensitive part of your body? MY NUTSACK, I'm holding it now

    When did you lose your virginity?
    ages ago.

    What is your favourite swear none they are all good

    What is the one thing you would like to do before you die? have sex with mila jovovic

    What angers you most?
    people who don't listen properly

    What's your pet name?

    Which historical figure do you most admire?

    What three words best describe you?
    brave, mighty, fearless

    How do you relax?
    with a beer and a bath

    What is your worst fault?
    I am stupid.

    What would you change about your appearance?
    everything DON'T LOOK AT ME

    What is your favourite Duran Duran single?
    None I am not gay.

  • kingjulien0

    once again topped by chossy, and i mean that in the least gay way possible.

  • tehgee0
