portfolio advice

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  • spiralstarez

    Happy Monday everyone.

    I'm looking for a little advice in getting together my currently non-existent online portfolio.

    I have some relatively good site designs that use flash for an online store, as well as for a site that's not online anymore.

    Do you show these? and if so, how do you go about it making potential viewers aware that the client half-assed their end rather than you didn't follow through on your side?

  • johnnyw0

    If the work is really good than show it. For the one that's not up anymore, you could either mirror an archieved version, or show screen shots.

    As to making views aware that the client screwed up something... you can't really. Even though it happens all the time at all levels, it's really up to the creative team to ensure that the work it right, and overcoming idiot clients is part of that.

    You can show alternate (rejected) treatments that demonstrate how you would have solved it without client intervention...