52" Mac Mini
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- 19 Responses
- Mattiadesign0
Pretty sweet!
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- shilohous0
the dock is like 3 inches tall!
- Meeklo0
I use mine with projector screens and video walls, icons are bigger than your head, but resolution is still 1024 X 768
- ********0
my pointer crushed my cat
- Ginja0
yeah its a shame about the res, i tried a few different settings but still no change. shame really.
- imakedesign0
i have my pc sometimes hooked up to my projector, at a res of 1280x1024, it can project onto the side of your house.
- swollenelbow0
nice curtains =)
- tomkat0
- SamWu0
- bedenken0
We have a similar setup with a MacMini in our meeting room. It's nice to be able to slide the bluetooth keyboard and mouse around to whom ever is demo'ing what is on screen.
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- Buckyball20
I'd love to switch to a Mac Mini. Currently I have my G5 iMac hooked up to my 50" Sony LCD. One drawback. No DVI output on the iMac. So VGA only. The Sony only handles up to 60 Mhz reresh rate. Anything above that and you get that cool, faint little line constantly traveling upward.
Other than that I dig it. Got my Bose Cinemate hooked up to the audio out and HD trailers on Apple.com never looked and sounded so good.
- c_valencia0
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nice curtains =)
(Jan 11 06, 08:26)haha. are those pajamas?!?
- monkeyshine0
- shutdown0
only a set of wharefdales too?
- Ginja0
the wharefs are the tits. and just my curtains are crappy but i had to compromise somewhere, haha.
I guess bigger can be better....