RIP 20" Monitor

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  • Point5

    Man, my 20" monitor (Princeton E90 or something like that)damn near blew up last night. I was sittin there typin away, then I heard this sound like mad buzzin and crackin' I look over the back of my monitor and a puff of smoke was trailing out of it! Then the screen flickered and the power just went out... *sigh

    It was old though. almost 8 years old. I had it since I graduated college. A damn shame, that thing never let me down... Now I gotta go get a new one. In the meantime, I'm rockin a 13" DELL monitor I had sittin in my closet! HAHA

  • HelixDnB0

    Yea, had something like the same thing happen with my 17"

    But man...8 years ago, that 20" must have cost you a MINT.

    I'm rockin the 15/14" compaq replacement until thursday night when I get home and get my 20.1" Widescreen flatpanel dell :D

  • Point50

    Yeah. I think it was around $600 when I got it. Fresh outta school with that and a beige case G3... You couldn't tell me nothin!!!