How does he do it? (Photos)
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- 25 Responses
- Ginja
How does Piers at take photos like this:
With all the light like that but the subject in focus?
Any ideas how I can take amazing photos like this with a simple lil CanonIXUS.
- spongebob0
use nightshot portrait w/flash.
basically it captures the flash as well as a delayed shutter. The flash is on the face while the trailing lights are created because he moved the camera while there is a delayed shutter thing.
- Ginja0
nightshot, dont get too technical i am a pleb. haha.
thanks spongebob, will give it a go.
- Nairn0
why not... ask piers?
- ********0
..hanging out at gay clubs looks like a contributing factor to this image.
- craic_whore0
longinsh exposure (slow shutter), flash and the subject stays still. Fuck I take this sort of pic all the time by mistake.
- Ginja0
thanks for the tips, i'll give it all ago when i next take some shots.
- bellyfast0
you could always just overlay two different with the streaks one with the face?
- Laurent0
Yeah nighshot but also try to put your flash option on SL and your camera mode on A - it will work look at - History section > Mr Scruff (crowd shot - I did it)
- Ginja0
belly the idea is to try and only use the camera, i know it would be easy to fake in photoshop
- Ginja0
That crowd shot is awsome Laurent
- Laurent0
Cheers Ginja...all the shots on that site were taken by myself. Thanx 4 yr feedback
- dibec0
open lens, flash at end. that simple. lol.
nice pics btw.
- dibec0
open lens, flash at end.
that simple. lol.
nice pics btw. ;)
- dibec0
wtf. lol.
- piers0
I have a nearly 3 year old ixus Camera, set on manual, then choose the flash mode with the icon of the person with a light behind. Just cycle through the modes. Then when you take a photo move the camera a bit. It doesnt always work though. makes people look like ghosts a lot of the time.
- jevad0
I have spent many a drunken evening in that mode fucking about with short shutter speeds piers!
- Ginja0
so piers, its nothing todo with shutter speeds or exp. and stuff? i can't take this sort of photo and can only dream of it. like most i manage todo it when drunk. they are cool photos though dude. always visit your site to see what youve been shooting.
- jevad0
50 ISO
slow shutter speed
- bolus0
see if you're camera has a slow-sync flash option...
- jevad0
yeah - what camera do you have?