Print / Embossing question

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  • NegativeSpace

    I am working on an identity for a small catering company, and we have decided on a Domtar ivory coloured linen stock for the cards and matching text weight for the letterhead.

    The logo (a wordmark) is going to be printed a rich chocolate brown colour, and we were discussing the possibility of getting the logo embossed also.

    I have seen lots of blind embossed materials but the whole colour scheme is important to the sucess of the identity, so I was wondering if anyone has had experience embossing a printed surface or has any examples online. My thinking that as long as the registration is tight it would look good but I am just trying to gather some some information beforehand so I don't have to get my printer to quote on a ton of different options.

    Also if anyone has any ideas of any other printing options that could spice up the card I am open to them as well. I was thinking a spot varnish would look really tacky on linen, and thermography I have always felt looks really tacky and cheap which is the opposite of what I want to communicate. Perhaps proper engraving, but I am thinking that might be more expensive than embossing.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • tny0


  • MLP0

    i've seen embossing and debossing work very well. i like the elegant feel it gives pieces. when choosing a stock, you can find ones that will have a dull finish or light texture and the process makes the area smoother or have a harder edge, which brings it out quite hard even if its a bright white.

    nom de guerre's business card is like this... i can scan it when i get home.

  • NegativeSpace0

    Thanks, that would be great!

    The first choice has been embossing because we both really like it because of the depth that can be acheived, and the tactile quality of it.

    I was thinking letterpress, but I still have to find a good letterpress printer around the city (Toronto), and also need to find out where to get the metal plates engraved from computer output. Thats the only reason why I am a bit hesistant there is that I would have to search for a newer printer that I have never used before, but I definitely like the look and feel of it.

  • Rand0

    we've used ink registered to embossed areas on a number of occasions.. I think it's a very nice look.

  • MLP0

    letterpress will be more expensive for sure, but it definitely holds an elegance and feel to it that you can't get anywhere else.