creative ouput

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  • imavery

    to say today is just another day at work is an understatement. My job is to provide technical support for people who use my employer's online services. Usually has something to do with the fact that people's computers are protected from that fatefull Al'Queda(sp?) attack where some unknown internet assailiant will break into their computer and steal all of their money and personal business. What? you can't upload because the three firewalls protecting your computer stop every attempt? Turn the shit off and call me in the morning. Easy, no problem.

    The big problem is the fact that I spend 11 hours in front of a good computer, only to get home with no desire to look at my very own computer that I love. I know the saying "where there is a will there is a way", but for shit sake, I need a new job.

    Had to vent, my apologies

  • seed0

    A new job would help but being on a computer at home after being on one all day at work sucks anyway. If you wan't to be creative a do something different try some analog collages or simple paintings or drawings or something. I develop photos most days after work now and don't mind it at all.