Help a PB brotha out?

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  • CincodeMayo

    So my PB battery is just about dead. On a full charge, it gets about 3 minutes of cordless time, and then lets me know the charge is about to run out.

    Apparently this is due to the fact that since I had my PB (about 2 years now) I practically always keep in plugged in and charging. This is a no no. I didn't find out til it was too late.

    It works fine plugged into the wall, but obviously I want to use it not plugged in. Does anyone have a spare 12" PB battery circa the Feb. 2004 model? A donation would be awesome, but if someone has a working spare I could probably throw a little something your way. Or maybe you know where I can get a cheap one?


  • CincodeMayo0

    Anyone? Bueller?