Something big..

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  • 39 Responses
  • Lynette0
  • Crouwel0



    stretching my dick made me mental


  • er0k0

    having a premonition about something is very much different from saying you can make something happen with your mind. apparently you don't get that dif. though uber? :) and I still stand by my PRACTICAL response about ACTUAL decisions that we've made, and not just our mindset determining the results of our future:

    Negative events can happen as a result of things other then just collective 'negative thinking'. It can (and usually does) also come as a result of our stupidity in handling power & money (wars), fossil fuels (enviornment, global warming), etc. etc. etc.

  • er0k0



    stretching my dick made me mental

    (Sep 18 05, 19:40)

    you guys are crezeh :P

  • Natural0

    Negative events can most definitely arise through decisions that we have made. It's nice that you can see the natural cause and effect relationship of reality.

    What baffles my mind, is that you staple your "prediction", not upon any sort of logic at all, but a gut feeling.

    There are many possible outcomes of our actions. Maybe you could more accurately predict the future by analyzing these actions and associated counteractive agents to create a better picture.

  • er0k0

    I wish I *could offer something more specific Natural :(

    And I think what you are suggesting would be, itself, nothing more then an educated guess (if i sat down to truly look at all the actions, facts, etc.)..not that that's bad though. I'm just offering something to you guys that I feel very strongly that *something big is coming, and soon..

    ps, haven't you ever had a really deep gut feeling about something before? or did you just label it as something 'childish' and ignore it?

  • brooke0

    My feeling is that we shouldn't worry so much about natural distaster - it's going to happen no matter what. Instead we should focus on the improvement of humankind.

    I believe that things are going to change. That's certain. I believe that soon enough we will start to realize how superficial, violent, stupid, etc. we've been.

    Things will get better. And that's a fact, Jack. :)

  • Natural0

    I don't place very much credit or faith in "gut feelings", and people that tend _to_, usually don't like to look at the facts of any issue too hard.

    How can you feel strongly about an issue because you "feel" something is going to happen? You are not external to the laws of time and space. You cannot predict the future with your stomach. This gut feeling is coming from some sort of information that you have tucked in your mind about a slew of issues that you more than likely don't know all too much about, combined with about five million other trivial variables such as your current mood.

    Do you truly believe you have a sixth sense? Are you one of these new age hippies who believes humans have some sort of undiscovered dormant magical ability tucked away?

  • er0k0

    I hope so Brooke :)

  • tkmeister0

    we all gonna die one day.

    i had fun. it's been an amazing ride with this life.

    thanks everyone.

    u guys rock.

  • er0k0

    Natural, I have to respect your very solid and sort of "I don't believe it if I didn't see it happen" sort of thinking, simply because you are a practical person..but to try and explain to you or converse with you any more about what an inherent 'feeling' is and what I'm talking about with an event happening..well it would be quite pointless if you don't already have an idea how such things feel, and you don't seem very willing to learn about it either.

    "You cannot predict the future with your stomach. " I almost feel sorry for you bud.

  • er0k0

    we all gonna die one day.

    i had fun. it's been an amazing ride with this life.

    thanks everyone.

    u guys rock.
    (Sep 18 05, 21:32)

    heh', you know I wasn't sure how long it would take to score a sarcastic comment..thanks ;)

  • jevad0

    "My feeling is that we shouldn't worry so much about natural distaster - it's going to happen no matter what. Instead we should focus on the improvement of humankind.

    I believe that things are going to change. That's certain. I believe that soon enough we will start to realize how superficial, violent, stupid, etc. we've been.

    Things will get better. And that's a fact, Jack. :)
    (Sep 18 05, 21:19)"

    yay brooke!

    that was awesome

  • tkmeister0

    dude, i am soooo serious!!!


  • Natural0

    Things are definitely going to change, Brooke. Change is the only constant.

    As far as the human race having some sort of global awakening, personally I don't think so.

    Regarding violence - Humans have always had violent tenancies. I'm sure you've heard from many different sources that we are the most violent and destructive animal on the planet. It may sound like some over-zealous hippy bullshit, but it's the truth and don't ever forget it.

    The pain, the chaos, the destruction is just as strongly embedded in our nature as our enormous capacity for empathy and altruism in times of tragedy and injustice. We will never surrender an inherent trait of our species.

  • Natural0


    My mind is open to absolutely anything. I will listen to what anybody has to say. However, if you tell me that you can walk on water, please don't expect me to readily assimilate that as fact into my worldview without some sort of convincing evidence.

    What are you trying to say? Do you have a sixth sense? Are you exercising some sort of power beyond what is commonly understood to be human capability?

  • tkmeister0

    Logically, the ultimate answer to the question "why we are here?" should be: "Because the law of the universe determined that we are here." But this assumes that the laws, like the man asking the question places constructs upon the universe to which it cannot conform.

    if there exists an ultimate answer as to why we are here, it is: "We are here to raise the question 'Why are we here?'"
    -Fang Lizhi

  • er0k0

    *sigh..ok, at your request.. here we go :P

    you say you are open to 'absolutely anything' , yes? yet that 'anything' is limited to only what you have seen or experienced yourself, right? you really have to examine the meaning of 'open' (if I am reading you wrong I apologize).

    my point: what would you say that if, throughout my life, I have been able to predict small, little, insignificant things? consistently, with a certain 'feeling' (I know of no word that exists to describe specifically what it is) at the root of and similar with each one. I have had this 'feeling' sometimes moments, LITERALLY seconds before something were to happen..and sometimes it is drawn out a bit longer (days or weeks), but a commonality that exists every time is that I am able to separate it from the standard 'guessing' and 'coincidence' factor of things - this is something that bears down on me wether I choose to think about it or not. It almost makes itself be known.

    Example: I was thinking of entering the Air Force a few years ago, and had been talking with a recruiter. I had since made other decisions and had not talked with him for at least 5-6 months. That day, for whatever reason, while I was eating lunch by myself, I had a thought and strange 'feeling' about the airforce and that recruiter. I was happy, doing well..and I can safely say I hadn't thought about it practically in 5-6 months when I had been considering it. So what happens? My cellphone rang not but a few mere SECONDS after the thoughts. It was the very same recruiter calling and asked if I was still interested. Upon reflection, and through practice of this.. I was able to recognize how what came to me be something different then just a 'guess'. It was the fact that nothing PROMPTED me to BE guessing. I wasn't led by a conversation, advertisement, etc. or anything external to start thinking of it and thus it just a was something that (for whatever reason) was pushed into my conscious thought.

    Now, at the risk of boring you..multiply that story by about..oh say, 30-40x. Change up the time of prediction slightly, and the weight of the circumstances (I once had it for an accident, and another time I thought something very stupid with Taco bell..hmm can't remember what it was) and that is MY proof. You can choose to come up with reasons why that event (if you even believe it) are false, but it is irrelevant because there is a belief VIA real experience that I have and I trust it as a result of it happening so frequently and accurately!!!

  • er0k0

    that is a fucking excellent and deeply realizational quote TKmeister..... thank you for that!