looking for co-location hosting

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  • oBeseLilNinja

    im looking for a reasonable priced co-location server service in the london area, any1 know what a reasonable price co-location service is? and any1 know of any decent co-location services?

  • mirola0

    rackspace are excellent, been using them for about 2 years and they always excel in terms of customer service. they treat you like you're in a 5-star hotel or something, but they won't bring you a bucket of ice in the middle of the night or park your car for you or anything like that. that said, the cheapest package you'll get from them is about £160 per month so i guess you pay for what you get.

    actually thinking about it, what is co-location hosting? aren't all hosts in the same place as the servers that are using to erm... host? do you mean managed hosting? anyway, yes rackspace are excellent.