photoshop dream

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  • aliendn

    my dream a couple of days i was in this sort of large museum that had a bunch of art displayed on walls, i think in some cases painted on the walls, like "those italian churches", but yeah, equisite paintings on the wall, and i was just standing appreciating the art. all of a sudden i started looking at different paintings and i wanted to "leave my mark" or "mark my territory" so i positioned my hands over my view like my hand is over my mouse when i have photoshop open...and i started using photoshop...against..the wall from where i was standing! like it was basically as if there was no monitor, no interface except for my view. i started defacing the art that was already on the walls, i started tracing some in certain cases with bezier lines, and creating my own stuff all over the place (i guess like graffitti taggers). then i felt guilty for defacing other people's art, so i went to the reception/info kiosk and asked for an eraser. they phucking charged me $5 for an eraser. i dont know what's more odd, the fact that i knew there was access to erasers to erase the things i did, or that i was pissed cause i felt $5 was a rip off, when IT WAS ME that defaced the godamn paintings. so yeah, that was my dream . it was like i was in a virtual world. what worries me is when im in these dreams i find nothing odd whatsoever.

    extending on that dream, it was probably influenced by when i watched the movie minority report, with those 3d operating systems, no doubt consulted by futurists. i guess my dream was hinting at the fact that what if there was no monitor?? what if you altered things within your vision? this is beyond virtual reality because you are altering the very design of your environment..with Adobe tools. it would be like those acme cartoons where they drop "holes" on the ground and jump into them. it would be wierd adjusting the levels of skin tones and making people purple and blue...or like making random 45 degree arrows everywhere to give u nostalgia of the 90s or somthing...i know in my dream i went crazy with vectors, which is why i asked for the eraser (apparently an eraser wasn't withing the set of natural tools i possessed)

    i'm sure this kind of stuff has been discussed before, but it was very cool to experience first hand, even though it was in a dream state. dude its like you're spiderman except you're shooting photoshop tools instead of webs. see a nomal looking chick walking buy you? airbrush her!

    they ran out of decaf today.

  • JazX0

    this means one thing.

    Go directly to Hell.
    Do not pass Go.
    Do not collect your $200.


  • aliendn0

    hell would be a dream about using Flash 4 in place of the way i used photoshop in my dream