Kazaa Ruling

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  • toe_knee

    I know its a piece of shit p2p but this is a pretty big ruling over here.

    Kazaa ordered to clamp down on 'rip-offs'
    By Kirsty Needham
    September 5, 2005 - 4:59PM

    The Australian record industry celebrated a win against online music-swapping service Kazaa today, in a long-running court battle watched by the global music industry.

    Future versions of Kazaa will need to include filters to prevent the trading of copyrighted music works, the federal court ruled.

    Kazaa's owners would have to apply "maximum pressure" on existing users to upgrade their software to the new, filtered version.

    The music industry was also awarded damages which will be determined at a future date.

    Documents produced by the respondents contain claims that, at any particular time, several million people are using the system to share files.

    At the beginning of 2004, the Kazaa website said over 317 million people, worldwide, had downloaded Kazaa onto their computers, thereby enabling them to share files.

    The court ruled that six defendants - including Kazaa's owners Sharman Networks, Sharman License Holdings, Sharman's Sydney-based boss Nikki Hemming and associate Kevin Bermeister - had knowingly allowed Kazaa users to illegally swap copyrighted songs.

    Australian music industry spokesman Michael Speck said the ruling sent "a loud and clear message to anyone involved in the illegal online music business to get out of it and get legal".

    The case had been an important investment by music companies to "stop the rip-offs", Mr Speck said.

    However, the court did not find the defendants guilty of the more serious charge of copyright infringement, leading Sharman's lawyers to also claim a partial victory.

    Lawyers for Sharman and other repondents described the court decision as a partial win for both parties. They claimed neither side had a complete victory.

    The court also dismissed allegations against Sharman's chief technical officer Philip Morle and Anthony Rose.

    Sharman's lawyers had earlier argued the company could not control or monitor what Kazaa users did. They said Kazaa's legal uses included trading of authorised songs, videos and even recipes, and the website contained clear warnings that users were not authorised to infringe copyright.

    Agencies add: Justice Wilcox ordered Sharman to pay 90 per cent of the record companies' costs.

    A separate hearing will be held to determine damages in the case.

    In a landmark case earlier this year, the US Supreme Court said Grokster and Streamcast Networks - developers of leading internet file-sharing software - could be sued because they deliberately encouraged customers to download copyrighted files illegally so the companies could build a larger audience and sell more advertising.