i know where u live...
i know where u live...
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- 5 Responses
- blackspade
..so which one of u punks visited my site today from New Delhi? ^
question tho, how acurate can these maps of vistor locations be on gvisit.com ?
i mean, someone looked at my site from Venice beach today and i can see the street and house etc exactly, via satellite!
this thing blows my mind, fun.
- jdcomba0
we have decided the maps are innacurate. i
- jdcomba0
i had my cousin look in philly and it was up to 30 blocks off. when i looked it was about 10 blocks off from my house.
- blackspade0
ah ha, cool, interesting.
i kno this g-visit shananagins is old news, but its still fun to play wit.
- jdcomba0
yeah. i think it's rad. i got a visitor from some weird island off the coast of africa. random.
- blackspade0
& i thought new delhi was random