slim fit

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  • 1 Response
  • BuddhaHat

    I agree that it can be hard to find a nice pair of fitting jeans when your figure doesn't match the majority of the population classed as 'overweight' or 'obese'... I'm from Australia, which until recently was a close number 2 to the States for excessive weight...

    Brands I've found with a great fit are G-Star raw denim, Hemisphere, Moji and even the odd pair of Lee denim jeans...

    i dunno about the style cuts coming out in the States right now, but at 6'4" with a 30-inch waist, I know I'd look stupid in women's jeans, guaranteed :)

    PS. cheers for that link to acne, that's a good range!

  • stewart0

    this was meant to be a response, and I accidentally posted it as a new broadcast :(

    I agree that it can be hard to find a nice pair of fitting jeans when your figure doesn't match the majority of the population classed as 'overweight' or 'obese'... I'm from Australia, which until recently was a close number 2 to the States for excessive weight...

    Brands I've found with a great fit are G-Star raw denim, Hemisphere, Moji and even the odd pair of Lee denim jeans...

    i dunno about the style cuts coming out in the States right now, but at 6'4" with a 30-inch waist, I know I'd look stupid in women's jeans, guaranteed :)

    PS. cheers for that link to acne, that's a good range!
    (Aug 28 05, 23:51)
    (Aug 28 05, 23:55)
