typo stuff

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  • Lesk

    I was wondering if someone knows any info if handwritting and personality have some sort of chain, like in catwoman (if anyone sah it, im sorry, i watch any movie thats new, if good or bad).

    Anyway, I copyed a page out of book for kicks to get my handwriting back in shape since I started school, and I just noticed 3 complete different styles, they differe slightly but you could definitly tell the difference, and its all cursive.

    Does that mean I have multiple personalities??

    I'm afraid they will change on and on as I copy more.

  • NegativeSpace0

    I almost picked up a book on this, now i wish i had, the other day in a used bookstore.

    What you said sounded familiar from a few pages I read.

    I generally write the same way and in a couple different styles but the chain like thing you mentioned had some relationship to insecurity and a couple other keep to yourself sort of traits.