flock of birds
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- 19 Responses
- tank
hej,does someone know an actionscript for a random flock of birds?
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myFlock:Object = new FlockOfBurds;
- UndoUndo0
MX I think you missed a 'u' out.
myFlock:Object = new FlockOfBuurds;
- tank0
yeah uhl thx...
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- tank0
goddamit..last time i help you guys
- tank0
i need something like the intro from gohst dog
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ok ok tank,
just having a laff witcha...
be a bit more specific though....what is it you want exactly??
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Sorry - only ever done fire flys. That would look silly with buurds.
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i need something like the intro from gohst dog
(Aug 23 05, 04:35)Thats quite a complicated script you would be after then...
- tank0
ah well,perhaps i should trace a bit of a movie and do it like that...i'ma flash noob...in after effects it would be done already...aghk
thx anyway guys
- paraselene0
like that?
- e-pill0
i think on mk12 or wefail they have an intro script with the use of birds flapping wings and crows screaming, i always thought it was mad cool!
go for it!
- tank0
exactly like that neutone thing!
- paraselene0
you've got mail, tank.
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And I ran, I ran so far awaaaaaaaaaayy
- chossy0
couldn't get away
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Yay chossy!
- chossy0
I ran all night and dayeeeay
- e-pill0
i found it!!!!!!! birds that i ws talking about. its really crows!