Natural Digestive Transit

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  • e-pill0

    i perfer SLORP!


  • josimarX

    This phrase was just in an advert for a yoghurt type drink here in the UK.

    something like "helping your natural digestive transit".

    I believe what they are trying to say was "helping you shite"

    I mean, why don't they just say it? you know, sitting in their advertising office coming up with variants on the phrase.

    – right guys, we wanna get it over that it's good for the bowel movement but can't no defo we cannot no way not on god's green earth, say SHITE, shit, plop, turd, log, brown, tolly, kak, shit etc... any thoughts?

    – (intern shouts above the growing list of expletives) how about "natural digestive transit?'

    – GENIUS, they all agree even though it makes them think of biscuits.