converting fonts: mac2pc

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  • 3 Responses
  • jah_

    ok, so my client sent me a design for a flash site (all already in .fla's and animated) and the all the fonts needed.. so i thought.

    the guy who did the design has a mac and he sent me a .zip file with the fonts.. i tried to convert them to PC but failed. then i sent them over to a friend of mine who has a mac so that he could convert them.. and he failed to even open the fonts (he said they have no extension). i need the fonts because i have to get the whole site dynamic in 5 different languages.

    HELP! :(

    how can i do this? tips? programs to use? hm?

    the font is free but doesn't have a windows version :@

    and the font files in the zip DON'T have any extension, just 2 folders:
    (..) __MACOSX
    (..) Fontname

    it's driving me nuts :(

    thanks in advance


  • normal0

    I use CrossFont to convert from Mac Postscript to PC.

    You have to get the Mac person to 'stuff' the folder containing the font you want first to keep the resource fork (RSRC) intact, it should also include the AFM Files or PFB files.

    If you get a file, unstuff it, and don't get any file sizes then they've done it incorrectly. Sometimes this results in using Outlook Express on the Mac to stuff it as opposed to using DropStuff to do it.

    Then you bring them into Crossfont and convert them.

    May require some trial and error.

  • UndoUndo0

    ^ I second that. crossfont is great and free. there maybe more robust and easier products out there.

    the other option would be to embedd the fonts into a library swf and load them dynamically into your main swf.Once this is setup on the mac end you dont need to convert them.

  • jah_0

    thanks guys. really appreciate it.

    sending an email message right now to the designer telling him to stuff it (*pun*). if it doesn't work i'll ask him for the .swf thing (HOW DIDN'T I REMEMBER THAT! doh :S).

    if you ever come to lisbon, portugal tell me and i'll buy you all a beer : )

