Illustration freelance quotes

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  • Fade2Grey

    I need to quote on 3 seperate jobs all in a comic strip style: 1 postcard, 1 fullpage and a 4 page comic strip. I'm not sure what to quote as I'm used to one off illustrations and this could take time. What do you think London guru's?

  • woof0

    Think you should calculate the effort you usually make ( nr. of hours, difficulty, purpose of the illustration) and compare it to the work you'll do. Either way, it's better to over-charge a little than to under-charge. Don't be so afraid of asking more from bigger clients. It's hard to evaluate without knowing the client etc, but don't believe them if they try to tell you it'll be good exposure for your work. ALL jobs are an opportunity for exposure, specially the well paid ones! 'Cause that means they value the artwork and are willing to pay for it, and maybe even come back for more! Anyway, hope it helps.

  • Fade2Grey0

    Thanks for the advice woof, sounds a sensible way to go about things. I like your thinking.

    I thank you x