new mag needs contributors
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- 16 Responses
- CincodeMayo
Hey all. I'm in the process of starting my own magazine. It's a startup with next to no funding, so I'm looking for people who want to get their names/work out. It's a travel magazine aimed at a younger audience, and I can use everything from writers, photographers and possibly designers (definitely a web designer). I'm not asking anyone to do anything for free (I'm a designer, I know how it is) but if you want to get your name in something, I'm definitely willing to credit you if I use something you did.
If you're interested or want to learn more, shoot me over an e-mail. Oh, if you're a writer and I use your story I'll definitely run a picture of you with your name and a short bio or something. Designers and photographers will definitely get credits as well.
Anyone interested? E-mail me at .
- brandelec0
where's the mag based? location, if any..
- ********0
sounds good.
do you have any visual leads already? like at least a moodboard or something?
- spendogg0
Is it printed or web-based or both?
- brandelec0
i see i see
- CincodeMayo0
The mag is based out of LA but will hopefully be distributed in NY and Miami as well.
As for the website...I'm using a free web program, the template is already set up. I'm a designer and know nothing about the web (shame, shame, I know...) but I do have a few ideas I've been tossing around. I definitely want it to be more of a design feel rather than some corportate b.s. type site. E-mail me your thoughts...
- CincodeMayo0
It's print based but I'd love some really nice interactive website. More of like a contact site rather than actually reading the articles online, but I'd probably put a few up there...mainly contact info, ad specs, that sorta thing.
- ********0
ah, now i get an idea...
- ********0
so you are only looking for an interactive/webdesigner?
or are you looking for someone to redesign/layout the mag as well?
i see some things that could use a lil improvement, mainly type to start with..
- CincodeMayo0
I'm mainly looking for a webdesigner. I have a small design team in place, so I might eventually need more (I probably will) but I'm open to suggestions or if you want to do some design work for an article I'd give you credit. So I guess to answer your question...yes?
- CincodeMayo0
Oh, and FYI...the reason for this posting is to find contributors. So all the mockups I've done WILL NOT BE USED without permission. These are strictly mockups. I've grabbed most of the images and most of the articles from various sites and places, so I just want to be upfront that I'm not stealing anyone's work. The design is all mine though.
- fate_redux0
CincodeMayo, I sent you an E-mail with some food for thought. Here's some more:
I'm trying to start my own magazine, beginning with a ltd. 1,000 print run, and I'd love some help and advice and guidance, if you wouldn't mind... maybe replace the price I quoted you with some help along the way?
- ********0
i can help u with some eMarketing and web stuff
i like hotels.. thats what i have to say about travel.. u can say i am a hotel slut..
- CincodeMayo0
Well bring it on, Mr. Dinky. I'm definitely looking for hotel reviews, photos, etc.
Shoot me over an e-mail if you want to discuss...
- ********0
honestly, for a magazine, u should do a comissioned photos.
also, you should ask the hotel for permission, they usually do up their hotel very nicely..
unless your aim is to give the reader the real deal.
search in to frommers and other hotel stuff. also about pagasis (hotel data base)..
u shoul also target your audience per their income, cause that really plays in to their staying habits.
do an article like..
"how to stay cheap with style"
"NY survivlal guide"
"how to get the best air fair?"articles that speak to you, that what your friends ask you about.use "natural language" strategy if you have to for over all tone.
best advice i can give you is check out
use similar method and approach in to utilizing web as your continue audience base. where they use to travel. through web, you can get alot of online ad revenue generated.
i worked on and researched hospitality indutry.
i gave you about 30k worth of information, i will bill you shortly.
- ********0
o also...
the hotels will give you proviliged service if you tell them u are doing a review.
- CincodeMayo0're dead on to the type of mag I'm trying to produce. It'll basically target men and women, 22-35 who actually can afford a vacation. This doesn't mean they need to make over 75k, so it'll cover a wide variety of pricing. It won't be an elitest magazine. Figure just out of college but with a job.
Anyways, if you'd like to write something on your favorite hotel, I'd be glad to check it out. E-mail me if interested.