Magazine Printing
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- 10 Responses
- CincodeMayo
So I'm in the process of attempting to create/design/publish a magazine, but I don't know too much about it. I know enough, and I know it's not going to be easy...
The thing I don't know about is the actual magazine printing. Has anyone ever done this? I'm aiming to print a high gloss National magazine, but I'll need investors for that.
What I'd like to do in the mean time is print a small run to distribute to investors/advertisers. I'd like it to look as professional as possible. I can print it on my own, but again, the more professional the better.
I'd ideally like to print about 10 - 25 just to start...then a couple hundred, and so on.
Anyone know what the best way to go about this is? What kind of printing? What kind of paper? Etc.?
Any help is much appreciated.
Oh, and if it helps, I'm in LA, so any local printers who can do this sorta thing for not a lot of money would be helpful.
- mayo0
interesting name...
- ********0
do it online mabe if u collect ad$ then u can get into print dunno
- CincodeMayo0
Thanks...the name (CincodeMayo) is my birthday, FYI.
As for doing it online, I'll have a website, but the mag really needs to be print. It's a travel magazine of sorts, so that's my goal.
Any ideas?
- ********0
a travel magazine? iv never picked one up why woudl anyone need a travel magazine...
- mayo0
With that short of a run, it's hard to think of what would work out. If you work on any other magazine, you may look into seeing if the printer can piggyback the jobs, but unless they absolutely love you and give you a great deal, i don't know who price efficient that may be.
How many pages did you say this would start off with?
my name is from the song which got its name from the condiment.
- soultooth0
call Orange32 - 631.864.0082
- Gorbie0
contact a digital printer?
what's the page count?
do you have any advertisers lined up?
- CincodeMayo0
I don't want to give it away yet, but it's a travel magazine of sorts. I'll release more info soon.
As for the page count, I'm aiming for 128 for the premiere issue (and ideally the mock up). I have enough content to fill it, just need the advertisers. I'm still working on the layout, so taking it step by step.
Unfortunately, I'm in the newspaper biz (art director) not the mag biz. Our printer sucks when they print our paper (we're a weekly community) but they also do USA Today, so they're actually quite good. Maybe I'll see if they can help me out, but I doubt it...they do larger runs.
Orange32 looks amazing, but on their printing page, they don't show anything as large as I'm planning to do. They don't even show the size I think (I'm thinking 8"x10.88".
Thanks for the help...any more suggestions would be great.
Oh, and I could always print it on my inkjet (or get my hands on a laser) but I'm just afraid the quality won't be there.
Thanks all.
- ********0
Wow. Bro - This is what I have been doing for the last two years - and going broke doing it. You better have all the financing ducks in a row. I thought I could self finance it and use $ from subscriptions. I go tthree issues out and am now in a deep hole. I've had to slow up my production - which has my paid subscribers screaming for money back that has already been used ot print the mags, distributos are pissed...noghtmare.. Advertisers are hard to come by for an indie publicatioon - and expect more time devoted to getting that cash flow than designing and producing mag..and I'm doing 40-50 pages. Of course, I'm doing all this by myself and it's been great but the most frustrating depressing thing as well...
Short run is useless - you"ll pay an arm and a leg. I mean if you"re planning ona boutique publication fine..and you got the cash..
I've used a printer in Florida who have been more than reasonable, but they don't do any run smaller than 5,000 units.
drop me an email and I'll give you some ideas...
- ********0
do it fan-zine stylee ;)
get on ebay and look for an old photocopier for a good price