flash Q

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  • 2 Responses
  • Spix

    i got to frames in the main timeline. in frame one i have a MC that i want to play. after, when it is done playing i want it to go back to rfame 2 in the main time line... this is what i put in th eend of the time line of the MC but it dont work

    gotoAndStop("_root", "3");

    can someone please let me know how to do it correct?

  • lnu0

    Ehm, I don't know if you can use _root in that context.

    I'm a novice at flash myself, but I would use 4 frames on the main timeline:

    In the first frame of the movieclip you want to play first, put in the script _root.finished = false

    In the last frame of that movieclip, write _root.finished

    The main timeline:
    Frame 1: Here you put the movieclip that you want to play.

    Frame 2: extend the movieclip (F5, no black dot!)

    Frame 3: extend it to this frame. Use the code if (_root.finished = true) {gotoAndPlay(4) } else { gotoAndPlay(2)

    Frame 4: rest of the movie.

  • lnu0

    last frame of movie _root.finished = true