Lovebox London
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- 26 Responses
- Gordy22
Any of you lot going to Lovebox this weekend?
I'm there on the Saturday and very much looking forward to it...
- soda0
nah, I hear that Para is going...
- ********0
is this just dj's n' glowsticks stuff then?
you'll have to forgive my ignorance..
- Gordy220
Actually looks pretty good; Mylo, Groove Armada, Plantlife and others with loads of stuff to do too...
- ********0
Doesn't Groove Armada own it or have some stake in it?
Smart lads.
- paraselene0
yes, i'm going. the real reason that soda's not going is vicky park makes him break out in hives. shhh...
- paraselene0
as for your question from the other thread, gordy:
best fucking part of glasters, imho.
- ********0
I'm going....
*brings it around town.
Can't wait.
That lost vagueness looks interesting para.
- ********0
What sort of music is there? I only heard a few of these people.
I *think* i may have been there last year sat outside getting drunk. i could be wrong though... i get drunk in many parks..
- Gordy220
All answered above moth but it's mainly a funcky / dancy vibe.
Paraq / skt - fancy meeting up in Vagueness?
- paraselene0
usually dance music, moth. last year it was in clapham common. actually, it's always been in clapham common, i think. they've moved it for the first time this year. it started out as a big gayer thing but then groove armada went big time and the heteros swarmed.
- soda0
exactly para.
I've been to the last two down in clapham but as soon as it shifted to Victoria park that was the end of it for me...
Bleedin' east end...pffffft.
- paraselene0
'fraid i'm at the mercy of my mate topless, gordy, as it's her birfday. but you'll probably see us there. we tend to be hard to miss.
- Gordy220
I'm with a fairly big entourage too - not wanting to tag along with you guys all day, just thought it good to hook up for a beer...
And I reckon they did good moving it to the Eest End; Ant the hoxtonites and shoerditch peps will lap it up.
- paraselene0
cool, then. send me your phone number: and we can meet up for a drink!
- soda0
I'm with a fairly big entourage too - not wanting to tag along with you guys all day, just thought it good to hook up for a beer...
And I reckon they did good moving it to the Eest End; Ant the hoxtonites and shoerditch peps will lap it up.
(Jul 19 05, 08:39)Pffffftt!!
what about the real east enders eh? Where do they go???
Well, I'll tell ya they have to move out, away from there roots to places they can afford...
Like Dagenham, Ilford...and, erm... Crouch End....
- Chimp0
as for your question from the other thread, gordy:
best fucking part of glasters, imho.
(Jul 19 05, 08:10)OMG, its real. I thought I'd just taken too much acid
- paraselene0
OMG, its real. I thought I'd just taken too much acid
(Jul 19 05, 08:43)mwaahahaaaahaaaa!
- Gordy220
You about for it Chimp?
- Chimp0
I'm gonna stay at home but I might be out on Brick Lane later on Saturday night.
- ********0
Paraq / skt - fancy meeting up in Vagueness?
(Jul 19 05, 08:24)Drop us an email then Gordy. Should manage a beer or two.