LCD TV 2 buy or not 2 buy ?

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  • chall5

    Thinking of buying a 26/27" LCD TV. However when I look at them in the shops the picture looks worse than my 10 year old CRT. Have they just got crappy feeds in the shops ?

    So my question is, are LCDs as good as CRTs yet or should I wait a bit?

  • MrDinky0

    wait abit more

    alot of dead pixels and the percentage for TV dead pixels are higher than moinotr

  • vespa0

    unfortunately, it's not that the shops have crappy feeds.

    the problem is that everything in the UK is still being broadcast in standard definition, which was designed for CRT monitors. the old CRT monitors blur everything up so it looks quite soft.

    HD monitors are made to display a much higher resolution, and look amazing when the feed is HD but standard def does look pretty shit on them.

    currently in the uk nothing is being broadcast in HD - i don't know about the rest of the networks but the bbc are saying HD will probably be standard around 2008.

    as of a few months ago no-one in europe is manufacturing CRT monitors, also the US only buys programmes now if they are in HD as it's cheaper for them to process, weirdly enough, so if UK networks want to be able to sell stuff to the US they have to shoot in HD. so it's really just a matter of time.