
Out of context: Reply #266

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  • drgs0

    Judging from the perspective of evolutionary psychoanalysis all monotheistic religions which promote sexual puritanism are a form of latent homosexuality.

    At the lowest levels of the brain, the human behavior is governed by the stereotypes of primate societies. Most primates live in classic
    "prides": there is one older alpha-male, who fertilizes the females, and then there are dozens of young males who protect the pride, but are not allowed to copulate except under special circumstances.

    Humans are much closer to Bonobo apes which have a completely different social structure (Bonobos practice matriarchy, free love and lesbianism). However, all monotheistic religions, Judeo-Christianity especially, are nothing but a return to a more primitive structure

    The semites, for example, worship the great bearded alpha-male with a knee-long penis, who is very jealous and who regulates all fucking, thoroughly and in detail, as something sinful and impermissible, except under special circumstances. (The ultra-orthodox ones have sex though a piece of cloth with a hole in it.)

    In other words Semitic monotheism is the establishment of beta-male psycho type as a social norm. The suppression of sex, which is practiced by virtually all monotheistic religions, is in fact a forced distribution of this model as an absolute standard.

    The beta-male psycho type (together with anal submission to those with higher status, and the same aspiration to supersede the ones below, homoerotic collectivism -- in human society beta males gather together in men's fraternities, brotherhoods, sport clubs, football & beer, which we call "male bonding") is no more and no less than latent homosexuality. That is why all clergymen who live in celibacy, as well as the whole male population of the Arab countries where men and women are completely segregated from each other, and basically all animals who are deprived of free sex either by the hierarchy in the pack or for other reasons, in the end prefer same-gender sex.

    In it's deep essence monotheism and sexual puritanism is homosexuality.

    • that explains a lotmonospaced
    • i wanna try sex through a piece of cloth with a hole in itscarabin
    • haven't you had sex with your underwear on?monospaced
    • people actually have sex by pulling their dick through the flap of their briefs? loooolscarabin
    • Not ideally or planned but it's happened. LOL. Male equivalent of pulling her underwear to the side.monospaced
    • So you guys gnostics?yurimon
    • Me? I'm an atheist.monospaced
    • sounds like nihilistic gnostic speaks lolyurimon

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