< portfolio review

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  • derek2005


    1. I personally hate when sites auto-resize

    2. The image on the far left looks like swiss cheese with the rest because of the white corner. I would move it to the center

    3. Your email address should link with a noSpam mailto: to provide the easiest way to contact you without having to type out the email address.

    4. Possibly put your phone# on there too. Some potential clients may prefer phone contact. Leave them the choice.

    5. The enter button is hidden to me. When I first saw the page, my eye darted all over the place and i saw "get flash player" first, then read "site requirments" THEN "enter"

    6. The white box and main site i would have centered in the browser window rather than the top.

    7. I personally do not like the roll over scroll bar buttons. I moused over and i was like, "woah"

    8. I dont like when all the menu elements are gone, like when i goto the portfolio or the contact pages. if i am in the middle of viewing some work, and i want to hire you, i look to the upper left where contact used to be, and its gone. If there was a way you could integrate the portfolio in the main content area while maintaining the top menu, i think that would be much more acessible.

    9. you could put a mini menu on the bottom left side of the "back to menu" button on the portfolio page if you didnt want to change up the page too much, but again, the main menu would be moved to the bottom in this case.

    lovley site tho.. thats all i can think of for now..

    rememebr these are my PERSONAL opinions...

    i love art direction and colours...
    awesome work too...