hot weekend?
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- 21 Responses
- honest
Sounds like we're on for a hot one this weekend (but the weather predictions are as good as horoscopes these days), what are your plans? I'll be indoors working on my website (at last I found some time!) and some more development on that book I've been meaning to edit. Not enough hours in the day!!!
- ********0
at last, some sun....
- UndoUndo0
I will be basting in chip fat on the skegness shoreline with my hanky on my head
- paraselene0
i sure hope you're right about the weather! it's about sodding time. i have to go to a charity hingmy on saturday, but then plan to lounge around all day sunday in the summer sunshine to make up for it!
- soda0
farkin' moving house ain't I?
Always on the hot days.
The last time I moved it was the hotest day in history.:(
- save0
I'll be packing, as I'm relocating in two weeks.
don't forget fathers day on sunday!!
- honest0
soda, I know i would rather move house on a hot day than a freezing cold one when the rain's coming down in buckets.
The hot weather is definitely on the way. According the Westbourne Grove cleavage/sunglasses/sandals/shor... report, summer is definitely here, albeit a little groggy and damp.
- Engage_London0
tending to my garden
- nicko0
tending to my garden
(Jun 17 05, 02:56)Me too
- save0
Geeze, you have garden in London, rich boy!!!
- Engage_London0
hes not tending to my garden!
- ********0
tending to my garden
(Jun 17 05, 02:56)Discussions relating to ladies gardens and the tending of them were held yesterday and ended in stalemate. Unless this thread is to sink to untold depths of discombobulation I'd suggest the cessation of all "garden talk".
- Engage_London0
I live in Essex... so there!
- honest0
will you be trimming your bush?
- nicko0
nah, need to get the hoes out for gardening
- honest0
do you have a hoe i could borrow just for this weekend or will you be using all of them?
- ********0
tonight i will feast on the blood of virgins.
tomorrow a barbeque
- ********0
Fucking typical, finally a decent weekend in London and I won't be in the country.
- ********0
where will you be skt? going somewhere nice?
- ********0
ooh going anywhere nice love?
(Jun 17 05, 03:11)got a villa in portugal for a week. if they give me a passport this afternoon.