Document Creation

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  • nomis

    Ok so heres to scenario..

    One of the girls in the office looks after throwing proposal documents together from copy one of us supplies.

    To date its been done in MS Word (much to my horror) all the documents end up looking terrible, they're usually sent as PDF's so printing isn't really in the equation which helps a little.

    What I'm trying to find is some layout software which will allow us to have a preset load of pages (usually case study pages) which can be selected and dropped into proposal documents.

    InDesign is the obvious choices to fix the incoherent layout problems while also offering our not so techie proposal writer some decent word processing tools, but can these offer adding pages from templates (already including content), without manually adding pages and copying and pasting from another document?

    I suppose that last line is what we are looking for in a nutshell.

    Any help would be much appreciated..


  • nomis0

    I know its monday and this is a boring question but any help would be appreciated..