Internet World - Earls court
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- 8 Responses
- Gordy22
Any of you lot going to this? Not really anything to do with Design but an interesting excuse to get out of the office none the less.
- save0
looks boring ...
- ********0
I went to a similar show once (I won a contest for a free pass) and it was horrible. The people that flocked to the thing were fearsom. Boring and stuffy, etc.
- ribit0
I'm going to look at content management systems for our site...but we cant afford most of the ones shown £100,000
- Gordy220
I went last year and I have to say I agree. Interesting in some respects tho' - learn a bit about the back end of things.
- save0
- ribit0
you'd think they would make a slightly better website for the event...
- Gordy220
Ribit - don't, what ever you do, give your business card to any one, least of all CMS people; they're unrelentless.
- ribit0
thats not a problem...when they hear our budget THEY run away...
(actually we are looking at £40-50k now, but our CMS has to do a LOT of stuff)