That there is one damn fine coat you're wearin

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  • honest

    I caught Sin City yesterday with my brother.


    Friggin' AWESOME!

    I could only describe Sin City like sex:

    1. Slutty
    2. Dirty
    3. Exciting
    4. Thrilling
    5. Satisfying
    6. Perverse
    7. Physical
    8. Addictive
    9. Shocking

    It was a good day until when going home after the movie, some kids decided to throw rocks at me and my brother at an attempt to start a fight. My blood was up from watching Mickey Rourke killing lots of guys in the most brutal ways, but was talked out of responding by my brother. What the hell is wrong with the UK now? Can't people do normal everyday things without getting harassed or attacked? What really bugs me is that I really wanted to grab one of those kids and at least break his nose.

  • fate_redux0

    honest, I was thinking of visiting London, but I'm kind of put-off by the violence and whatnot. Most people tell me, yeah, you'll probably get glassed or mugged, but it's just part of the experience.

    So where is a good place to get a 4-finger ring in London town?

  • honest0

    dude, London isn't half as violent as some other cities in the UK.

    I did feel the need for some martial arts training after a rise in knife crimes occuring a few years ago. I got to an intermediate level, but still would recommend running next to fighting unless you have nowhere to run and it's your life on the line and not just your pride.
    I usually carry an umbrella in my bag or at least a handy pen.

    Feel free to visit whenever, it's not really that bad, but I'd recommend summer so that you can stay up later and drink harder.

    Let me know when you want to visit, we'll have a beer.

  • ********

    You sota answered your question by yourself.

    Violence is so in these days. You get dosed by your music, tv and movies then go forth and perpetuate.

    You have to look at how role models are portrayed in pop culture to understand what is being advocated sureing a certain time.

    For instance, in a less violent era, circa 1980-1990 you saw leading characters taking the higher route, bullys were looked upon like they had social problems etc. Music (mainstream and pop) had positive messages. Rap was actually bugged out and lighthearted and positive political. Fast forward to today. The Karate Kid is a grade a pussy, if your not rapping thug your soft, and we have over 400 channels showing extreme violence in most cases rarely seen for more than 2 minutes at a time in past R rated cinema.

    Like you said, you want to bust someones nose, so does everyone else.

    I consider myself to be ultra tolerant. I've been in many situations where I could have done harm to others who probably deserved it but chose not to. Most stimuli in society and the media is so dark these days that it doesnt take much to find a persons breaking point.

  • honest0

    it's the end of the world as we know it randoman, and I feel fine

  • imakedesign0

    I was thinking of visiting London, but I'm kind of put-off by the violence and whatnot.
    (Jun 12 05, 07:09)

    dont believe everything you read or hear.

  • ********

    I still remember how the movie Alien effected my as a little kid. Everything from the opening titles to the dead silence of the ship overtaken by creatures floating through deep space. Gore aside, just the core things that scare an average human being with healthy emotions.

    Today I can see a 5 year old watchng something like this before going to bed after watching a prime time slaughter fest on Direct TV.

    If you think this generation is bad, I'm afraid to see what the children of tomorrow are going to behave like if this doesn't stop or go into regression soon.

  • jdcomba0

    i got a good violent one:
    a month ago i was parrallel parking in my neighborhood when i was sideswiped by a truck. The truck just kept going, so i pulled out to try to stop him. About three blocks down he finally stoped. we both get out of our cars. he says it was all my fault and for me to get back in my car. i'm all "no man lets exchange insurance info". then he grabs my by the neck and throws me up against a fence. grabs me again and pushes me so i fall. then he gets in his car and drives away. someone got his liscence plate and he got arrested, but fuck. you gotta be fucking kidding me. oh and i was moving my car at 9am all hung over, so that didn't make it any better.

  • fate_redux0

    honest, I'll definitely give you a ring if I make it over there. I plan on hitting London, Barcelona, and maybe Paris in early August.