What a way to start my day
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- 16 Responses
- jeedoubleu
it's 5:45 here in Toronto and I woke up to my clients' text message saying some jibberish about the May 1st Reboot. So I head over to see what all the commotion is about and I see that our site has won!!! Wow, what a way to start my day.
This project was a tough one and I couldn't have done it without the awesome video production work from www.dereksworld.com
Check it out for yourself:
- cosmo0
wow awesome work dude, loved it.
- jeedoubleu0
I can't express how happy I am. I'm 2-0 for the May 1st Reboot.
- save0
I smell cheese!
- UndoUndo0
congrats man, nice site.
- jeedoubleu0
Fuck man Derek and I spent sooooooo many non-billable hours working on this thing, and you might not be able to tell just from looking at it, but trust me, we put in work. That's why I'm so happy.
- canuck0
very cool man. good stuff.
- snuggles0
You deserve a round of applause...
- gruntt0
well done jeedob.
take the rest of the day off. go grill something and drink beer.
- imakedesign0
congrats. nice work. do you have a green screen?
- radar0
congrats, the site looks great.
- jeedoubleu0
No green screen. That's what made production so much extra work, needless yes, but that just makes this victory that much more sweeter :)
- jeedoubleu0
Ha take it in... the lady on the homepage with the short hair talking about gain is my mom. And the women with the long hair and glasses talking about Aveda is Dereks mom!
- thenuge0
oh man, i want to grill something and drink beer
- jeedoubleu0
Mee too :)
- imakedesign0
So how did you do it? i brought some green fabric for about £10 and hang it in my garden, but getting the lighting right is a misson.. unless it sunny
- ********0
pretty good stuff congrats