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  • CTRL

    How about this:…

    Hitler has escaped to the underworld where he dwells with pedigree dinosaurs in a hollow earth.

  • Lesk1

    man, I could smash your head into a freaking watermellon to fill up little memory space I have with such junk of information.

  • warheros20

    that, is awesome. wow.

  • JazX0

    someone was on PCP aka Angeldust

  • randoman0

    I don;t know about the "supernatural" legs they give the Nazi movement and some of it's experiments (although it's been exploited in comics and video games), but there is something eerie about the whole Nazi party, the progression and it's iconography such as the Swastika, Iron Cross, and such forth.

    It originally formed in such a way that it could garner support and appear as a hero of the people before abusing it's power and going about it's "real" agenda. Originally the Nazi party stood for positive values, strength, solidarity and unity - and hard work, it was a study in the ultimate patriotism and faith in state (no you dont have to be American to be patriotic).

    Gone unchecked, the Nazi party gained enough momentum to no longer need the approvol which once gave it legs. Strangly enough, it would appear to be "possessed" by evil at the rate in which it seemingly seperated it's appearence from anything even remotely human or just.

    It's a great study, especially as a designer/artist to have a look at old Nazi era artwork.

    Heres a link…

    At the time, many of Germany's artists were passionate about how they portrayed the movement. The artist himself was enlisted in the army, his weapon, communication of pride / country and hatred of the enemy or the non Arian (Jews in particular).

    But you also have to understand how blind these people were at the time. To them this was doing the right thing. Dragging a Jew through the mud, or glorifing the Arian plight for superiority can be seen in similar fasion to how Muslims and are represented in a poor manner in American popular art/culture.

    I'm pretty sure this thread was meant to poke fun at the fact (and Hitler hanging out with dino's in the underground is a bit farfetched). But the somewhat mystical possession or spiritual hijacking of a country and a people was real, and very scary - it literally turned a nation into a weapon and turned it against the world and itself. It's important to be aware of this possibility and not to let it happen again.

  • scarabin0

    imagine how great the human species would be if hitler had his way though. his eugenics program was genius in a logical, scientific way.

    the only reason people don't want it to happen is because they fear being one of the intital neccessary victims of the "purifying" process.

    i agree with their views in that the human genes have grown weaker and watered down by the way we hve conducted our affairs in the last several thousand years.

    for instance, whenever we have a war we send our best and brightest out to the field and they die, leaving us with the crackheads and rapists tucked safely away and nurtured in our prisons.

    i've done a lot of research on the subject of nazism and it is true that they were extremely involved in the occult and gaining power from the use of symbology to seduce and control the people. their use of the german futhark in particular was apparent in almost everything they did, right down to replacing crosses in graveyards with the runic symbol for "man"

  • scarabin0

    i'd just like to clarify by saying that i am not a nazi, and do not have anything against any particular race

  • setsolid1

    fuck Nazi, and KKK mother fuckers.

  • setsolid0

    if u guys wana to talk about Nazi's and shit go talk about it at

  • randoman0

    Well; genocide, human degradation, torcher tyranny, etc. etc. are horrible. As someone in a creative field you should see the need for diversity and free thought. If you don't then hitler's perfect world and supreme race might just be for you... maybe if your lucky Nazi Germany's poltergiest will manifest itself in another country and pick up where they left off. Dont be surprised.

    I have respect for Darwinism. But I don't feel in all cases that the survival or domination of the "strongest" is necessairly a good thing in all cases. In fact, using unethical and immoral means to suppress, control or destroy a population might work but does that mean the people in power are of a better stock and gene pool for doing it? Probably not, no. And the idea isn't very progressive. Your right about one thing tho, people who don't fit in to the catagory of those who are to be axed are almost always complacent. It's mostly an effect of fear - but eventually they will come for them as well.

    When people learn to live in harmony with one another, achive a cultural unity (based on the fact that we are common in being human) and strive to bring "the weaker" populace into more liveable situations then I think we can say that we are doing something right, and something that is truly advancing mankind. You can have all the new technology and gadgets you can get your greasy little fingers on but that doesnt mean we are advancing in a moral and ethical sense as well.

  • scarabin0

    everything you described, taking power by force, mass genocide, torture, everything you just described was the complete history of catholicism and christianity, one of the most powerful and politically influential organizations in the world

  • randoman0

    I'm not saying there are other problems in the world beside's nazi mentality. And your right, Christianity and Catholic movements have a rather bloody history as well... although they have become / are becoming more tolerant. After all, the idea is to keep several beliefs and cultures living with one another. I was never quite sold on the whole "If you don't believe in this religion, your headed to hell" thing tho. And there is a sepreation between church and state which is different than something like nazi's end all be all.

  • laurus0

    It's a common misundertanding to interpret Darwinism as "survival of the strongest". It is "survival of the fittest". There is no "watering down" of genes. The conditions change and the ones more fitting the conditions survive. There is no "superior" in nature—an amoeba is a more successful life-form in adapting to current conditions than a tiger, therefore, will probably not be extinct as quick.

    Therefore, if crack-heads are the ones that survive and pass their genes to the next generation—they are the "natural selection".

  • randoman0

    Give me an example of an "un-natural selection".

    With animals and other organisms in nature it's more direct to see things this way than with humans and their devices.

    I suppose u can call it natural selection, but what happens when it seems nature is playing little part in the selection?

  • CTRL0

    I think we have very little 'natural selection' of the fittest at this stage of evolution. Selection is quite conscious. Gays, blacks and lower social ranks are sent to the frontline first (I don't think they're sending CEOs yet). In nazi germany gays and 'misfits' were killed. Obviously, generals have to be masterminds of war.
    The german intelligence was not killed at the end of WW2, they were sent to Nasa.

    The germans had remarkably good technology which stood the test of time, and made use of it to persuade the masses to follow them into the abyss. This power of controlling crowds is still in use, it is too efficient not to be. Though the 'nazi look' is carefully avoided, how can so many be blind to the other forms it assumes?

    SETSOLID - you're well aware of the KKK website. I assume you've visited it - so why not openly discuss it? :)

  • CTRL0

    But I agree Scarabin. There was something really eerie about the Nazi party. Like something really weird was going on or something.

  • randoman0

    This is why I dont feel we were fighting Germany... it was more like a possessed Germany. The world was fighting evil in the form of the Nazi war machine. When Nazi Germany was defeated, this spirit lost it's physical manifestation and earthly momentum for the moment, but surely it would regroup and find power elsewhere...

    I'm not going to name countries and speculate but it's a frightening thing to think of reguardless.

  • laurus0

    nature is always playing a part. nazis or genetic engineering are as natural as a spring bee.

    again, you will survive if you fit to the conditions.

    as for the scientific validity of nazi research in genetics—most of it does not hold water by scientific standards. no great genius plan there.

    the use of the occult was needed in order to create an alternative 'history' that will justify half-assed philosophies. hence the swastika and all those delegations to tibbet. the real arians=persians.

    the mix of invented history and pseudo-scientific 'realities' is still used today by many white supremacy groups.

  • CTRL0

    An interesting photo. Quite surreal actually:…

  • rabattski0

    a possesed germany? mystical or spiritual hijacking of a country? wtf? read your history books for a change randoman.

  • randoman0

    Hey, I have an overactive imagination, no offense.