< The World

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  • blaw0

    "the energy used on this obscene ego-trip could be well spent in affordable housing for those who can't afford a roof"

    good call, unfittoprint.

  • aka0

    The whole thing is absolutely f#$king disgusting. I don’t know how anyone could undertake such a vain project while there is so much suffering in the world. Not to mention the incredible amount of damage it will do to the environment. They may as well make the whole thing one big dollar sign island, because that’s all it is. Greed.

  • Visia0

    Dubai is totally where its going to be.

    Dubai is the New New York.

  • scarabin0

    what if they were built out of trash and created a ton of jobs?

  • Elfangio0

    So many countrys missing there...what world is that? Not the planet I live in...

  • randoman0

    It would be a great location for a disaster film. Something like once the celebrities settle down the islands lose power and communication with the real world... then they being to sink back into the ocean. Everyone flocks to the last liveable manmade pile of sand owned by Rod Stuart, but Stuart and his bodyguards refuse access to his chunk or dirt in fear that the on slaught will cause it to slip into the sea as well... chaos ensues as the worlds richest and most famous battle each other for food and resources in order to survive in the middle of the vast, unforgiving ocean...

  • randoman0

    It has Titanic written all over it.

  • silencer0

    That's a fucking brilliant concept for a movie..so many possibilities!

  • silencer0

    We could get Limmy to be Rod Stewart.

  • randoman0

    The movie stars and music mogels who's company was once sought after are now seeking shelter on the mud ridden outskirts of this sinking disaster.

    Several actors attempt to take on thier movie personas but find that in real life things are more difficult than film. Bruce Willis and Will Smith pull a stunt trying to sneak onto Stewarts compound which leaves Jazzy Jeff with a gunshot wound to the leg and Willis with a torn ligament.

    As the balance of power of the world continues to shift towards Rod Stewart, he installs a new type of law... where hair products become more valuable than currency. The others, desperate, homeless and hungry begin to form smaller survival based clans under the leadership of Geroge Cloony...

    In the real world, greedy executives clamour to fit new, younger generations of talent into the positions of the now marooned ex-superstars. A new revolution is taking place in Hollywood fuled by fresh faces and old money. As the Grammys roll around, the public has become so happy with these new starlets that the superstars who once graced summer blockbusters and triple platnum albums are soon forgotten...

    what happens next?

  • Nairn0

    I wonder if there's a correlation between the horrific quantities of oil money pumped into that thing, the carbon release from the oil, and the karmic certainty of sea levels rising to flood over that obscenity in 10-20 years time...

    ...Come the revolution, brothers and sisters, come the revolution...

  • randoman0

    OMG, apparently this is going to be a real HBO series, i found this writeup and the actual poster for the upcoming show...

    A summary found online at Entertainment Insainity:

    "Slated for HBO's summer line-up, the reviews are already starting to pour in for "The World", and it looks like HBO has got it's hands on another huge success.

    What seems like un unlikely story is actually based on a real world set of man made islands that are being created off of the coast of Dubai.

    These islands are being arranged in such a way so that they resemble a small scale mock up of the various countries on earth. They are currently being sold to the highest bidder which includes the rich, famous, and top notch resorts.

    The picture that the HBO series "The World" paints is a slightly darker senireo of this jet-setters paradise.

    To summarize without ruining the plot, the islands called "The World" are bought and inhabited by many of the real world celebrities that we know and love. For several years they have lived in harmony until disaster strikes and cuts off all power, transportation, and communication to the islands. To make matters worse, the man-made mounds begin to slip back into the rough seas. Only one island remains livable and is owned by no other than British pop legend Rod Stewart (who incedentaly bought Great Britin in real life for the paltry sum of $18m). Stewart and his entourage fear that the rush of people to his island will cause him to sink as well, so he orders his guards to close the gates and keep everyone out, using force if necessary.

    During the first season we see celebrities in a new light as they fight hand over foot against one another in a desprate grab for resources and shelter. The balance of power in "The World" continues to shift to Stewart who soon attempts to implement a new rule over the islands other ihabitants. disjointed form ne another, people begin to form clans and roam the various mud stricken islands via landbridges. One of the more popular clans led by George Cloony.

    Meanwhile, in Hollywood, managers and agents are in thier own powergrab to fill the shoes of the former stars. These young new starlets that they sign, shine so bright that they not only steal the hearts of America's millions but they virtually erase the memory of the former susperstars trapped on The World's sinking islands; no one realizes that they have gone missing.

    What's most intresting about the series is that the actors are playing themselves and the cast itself is astonishing, it reads like a guestlist to the Academy Awards. Highlights are appearences from Jamie Fox, Rod Stewart, J-Lo, Ben Affleck, Britney Spears, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, Will Smith, and George Cloony. Performances are all above par and Rod Stuwart simply steals the show in what looks like possibly one of the best characters in modern drama. HBO really is Must see TV, and this is not exception. "
    -Linda Lopez

    yo, my TIVO is so gonna record the sh*t outta this.

  • Visia0

    it would be one hell of a game of Risk™, that's for sure.

  • liquid0

    randoman..... you need to start a blog with that stuff....

    it would be like war of the worlds....people would start thinking it was tru....

  • Geith0

    So an American oil businessman will buy Iraq then, yes?