getting new clients

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  • foreign

    hey all. i'm new here. made a few posts but an introduction's in order.

    onto the topic:

    i'm looking for information on preparing proposals to (possible) new clients.

    i'm not talking about responses to rfp's but how to approach clients i have no contact with, with proposals for projects.

  • kbags0

    welcome, foreign!

    Um, I dunno about that...all of my clients come via word of mouth, and I generally don't drop the nets to dig for new ones very often.

    I'd start by setting up a really tight online portfolio, assuming you have some work to show...then a good thing to do is send an email to ALL of your friends and relatives when you complete new work saying, "hey, this is what I've done recently..." without being pompous. Include info about your recent endeavors, and of course, plenty of contact info and a prominent link to your portfolio. If it strikes one's fancy, they'll go on and look around and if nothing else, you might get a pat on the back.

    But oftentimes, I find that people know people who need your services and refer them...other times they see your work and they're like, "hey, that's something I could use." It's a snowball effect.

    that's teh best advice i can give! good luck

  • foreign0

    hey kbags.

    i'm in the process of setting up a new online portolio/profile...

    i've been freelancing for a few years and lately work has pretty much dried up.

    agressively persuing clients is not something i like doing but at the moment i don't have any other option than "looking" for work.