happy but not quite
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- 21 Responses
- honest
i am happy with all that i have in my life save from my attempts to achieve greatness and perfection. I know what great design is, i see it each day, but I feel that I've lost the ability to produce good work. Have I set my standards too high for my abilities? Some people were born with real talent, where others work hard to attain it.
Should I continue to suffer, study and sacrifice to attain greatness? Have I given all that I have? Am I just not cut out to be a good designer? Or maybe I'm on the wrong team? Maybe I need to find someplace else where my skills and abilities can be put to better use? I DON'T FRIGGIN' KNOW AND IT'S KILLING ME. but like many other frustrated designers out there, pleasing your boss and pleasing your client is a never-ending battle. In hindsight, I would have preferred to have been a poet.
- josimarX0
hmm, it's a toughy honest.
Experience counts for a lot when it comes to pleaseing clients and being able to call on previous work you've done or seen as a starter for each new job.
I'm sure you're just in a little downer, everyone gets it. At least you seem to know what good design is, that's half the battle won! To be honest, I think simplicity is the key and a good initial idea. Most of the time I'll design something, then strip it all away and leave just the text and a few images. It make a big difference.
Anyway, good luck pal. chin up.
- honest0
thanks, I think it's time to move on though. I've been here for 2 and half years and it's not the giggle it used to be. Two and half seem to be my limit. I'm tired of the clients and sweat shop production line design ethic here.
adios muchachos, I'm gonna make a break for it.
- josimarX0
oops, what did I say? ;)
nah, a change is good, sure you'll fall into the right job or career eventually.
maybe alcohol is the answer.
- ********0
vote MX, para, chossy alliance for true happiness and sweaty baws,
- honest0
aye, my votes for you mx!
SLightly drunk now though...
- ********0
drunkeness is a prerequisite.
or muckle cans.
- ********0
If your aims are greatness and perfection, don't expect to be happy.
That's just the way it works, so shut up and stop whining and be great and perfect, or be happy.
Either way stop with the personal existential crisis - it's so overdone.
- honest0
ok, i'll pull up my socks and start winning and stop whinging.
- tkmeister0
i'd say, never stop trying. but know when to leave it behind.
if you aren't learning or gaining anything, then it's time to move on. i felt the same way about my work. people say i've done a lot, but to me, it's not quantity, it's about quality of work. also, knowing what i can do and not reaching that full potential can be frustrating too.
design has a lot to do with your passion and love for design. skill set and talent follow that. some may take more than others to blossom.
cheers, mate.
- honest0
i will not stop dreaming and I will not stop trying.
- paraselene0
honest, before i began my career in politics i had dabbled in many different fields, among them graphic design (which is still the source of the majority of my campaign funding). i think that the more things you try and the more disparate they are, the more you begin to understand that all aspects of your mind and creative being are connected on a fundamental level, which is where you forge your own personal theory of aesthetics (and by this i most certainly do not mean an exclusively plastic-arts-related understanding of beauty). it is this building block of your identity that you then thrust out into the world, via whichever route possible and via all possible routes. recognising the interconnectivity of all your pursuits is central to finding out the very liberating truth that honesty, excellence, subtlety and stlye not only can but should be the hallmarks of your every endeavour. i wish you the best of luck.
- paraselene0
by the way, you are always already a poet.
- honest0
thanks for your comments para, when next will we be clinking beer glasses and upending shot glasses? numberoneson got lost in a horrible email login accident – honest!
- paraselene0
hey there! even yet still more new identities around here! what about the kungfukid? i dunno about drinx. are you thinking of going tomorrow? i'm feeling a bit burned-out from the bank hols and am wondering if we should all just reschedule for a time when everyone can be there.
- honest0
the kungfukid is in the studio brushing up on his photoshop retouching skills. I can't make it tomorrow as I'm helping a friend move house. I think we'll all on call to reschedule.
- _smk0
I'm getting the exact same blues at the mo' Honest. Everything is boring th ecrap out of me and I'm thinking of striking out beyond the web world. Have some exhibition design contacts I might hit up.
Thng is, this is the n'th time I've been at frustration breaking point with this lark and a couple of weeks later I chill out and find something which interests me.
Occupational hazard unfortunately. :)
- canuck0
Get a cat.
- honest0
_smk, well smk I'm starting to something about it. I have a new portfolio approach on the cards which I've been too lazy as of late to action. I am making plans for an august departure.
- _smk0
One Love an' all that then - good luck on future missions :)
- honest0
i'll see you when I get there... ;)