Work Nicknames
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- 53 Responses
- Ginja
What nicknames (at work) have you given to people and why? Or whats yours and why?
We call a guy THRUSH because he's an annoying cu......
- ********0
Go f*cking deliver the package dickboy!
- ********0
there's someone i call "the google". if you tell her something about anything she's always has a better example.
- fate_redux0
- josimarX0
The King Of Design and The World.
- nLHb0
pearline prickly bush
lol, the guys in the shipping dock at my old place of employement named me that, those bastards.
- ********0
I also hate it when they call me 'Jack Ass' and 'Worthless'.
Wow it hurts my underwear
- Ginja0
I recently got DA cause my hair looked like a Ducks Arse.
But the usual one is Shag, but I'm not sure why that is.
- stem0
We call this guy at work Spriros - cos he's a Greek-Cypriot-Maltese Mutherfucker!
- SteveJobs0
'C' is for coworker.
- gruntt0
that's it steve. you may no longer call me CILF.
- ********0
watch it, I saw somebody get flagged good for a
thread, you know in case there is some automated robot reading words and sending flags
- SteveJobs0
gruntt, for you the 'F' stands for forget.
- Ginja0
It took a minute to realise what the ILF stood for.
- SteveJobs0
it's ok, there are other slow people on this earth as well...
i assume..
- ********0
you gotta' group up around trashy people to know that, so feel good about yourself hahaa
- CaP0
i still don't get the ILF...
*blushes and starts swearing
- SteveJobs0
"you gotta' group up around trashy people to know that"
or just make the mistake of seeing some horrid teenage summer movie...
- gruntt0
lol - steve, you got me good on that one.
well done.
- Ginja0
"horrid teenage summer movie"
haha, nice quote.
- ********0
i still don't get the ILF...
*blushes and starts swearing
(Apr 13 05, 08:10)alright, I'm tempted to tell you, but I'll let someone else do it, plus we get to tag you along for the ride