One of those questions
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- 21 Responses
- Ginja
Why is it, that when you hear a recording of yourself, it doesnt sound like you to you, but you still sound the same to others?
- ********0
The acoustics in your head are different than outside of it.
- gruntt0
because your head is the speaker. when you speak you are hearing yourself from within the speaker. when you hear yourself recorded you are hearing what you sound like outside of the speaker.
btw - i sound like a complete redneck outside of the speaker.
- SteveJobs0
this was a huge conspiracy engineered by the fcc back in the early 60's and set as a standard for elecontronic communications and all electronic recording devices to alter the 'shape' of any recorded sounds, thereby giving the illusion of a different voice to the recordee. this is all documented somewhere.
- mayo0
i think i sound like Minnie Mouse
- SoulFly0
If you hear voice taped on professional equipment, it is a lot better.
For example if you tape your voice on a digital recorder- like a voice mail on your phone- It will sound a lot more like you, than if you take yourself on a cassete tape.
- ********0
I cheanged my mind, I'll go with what SteveJobs said.
- ********0
minnie mouse--hott
- cosmo0
i sound like Alex Rose.
- Hym0
Why is it, that when you look in the mirror at yourself, it doesnt look like you to you, but you still look the same to others?
psychology, but yeh sound is acoustics and resonation
- ********0
there are mirrors that reverse the image to simulate what you look like to others-- apprently it is deeply disturbing to see
- gruntt0
why is it that when i'm drunk the drunks around me are entertaining but when i'm not drunk the drunks around me are freakin' idiots?
don't answer dat.
- Jaline0
yeah, mirrors make your nose look different sometimes. i've noticed that in various ppl. and the sound thing is all about the inside of your head. you sound differently because of the acoustics in your head. most people hate what they really sound like to other ppl.
- kingjulien0
Oh yeah, well why is it that when I wake up in the morning I go straight to the streaming porn sites rather than read the boston globe or sfgate or my email , but in the mind of others, I'm responsible and hard-working and innocent?
Wait. I know why...
- Hym0
Wait. I know why...
(Apr 12 05, 11:28)you're a webmaster of a porn site?
- tehgee0
i dont sound as gangsta as i am
- kingjulien0
no. i have a raging libido.
- Jaline0
why are you tryin' to hide your total gangsta' ness?
- tehgee0
i am a reformed gansta.. i am an OW original wigga... i see these kids out here now and.. tehy just dont appriciate how i helped pave the path for letting them be the way tehy are today
- fusionpixel0
how do singers know how to sing if they dont even know how do everyone perceive their voice like.
Specially Opra singers
- Jaline0
They get singing/voice trainers foo'. I once had one.
That's exactly the reason why tons of crappy people show up at American Idol...because they don't know how bad they really sound and their friends and family make is worse by fibbing.
Yeah, Gee I'll make sure to tell those wannabe gangsters about you.