Slandering Meanderings

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  • mattyd

    (just found this on my hard drive from when i wrote for an online magazine)

    For all you grammar rodeo all-stars out there, I would like to state first that I'm well aware that since this is a grouping of published statements, it should be Libeling Meanderings, but that doesn't rhyme, and I'm writing this post, so fuck off. Secondly, don't expect much in the way of cohesion and general non-idiocy.

    I'm pretty sure the only reason that that one random white woman is in the Black Eyed Peas is because somebody is tagging her.

    If I had to buy an album right now based on one song, it would be The Killers. The single they have out is pretty good, and most likely it was chosen by the record company because it sounded kind of poppish, which means the rest of the cd should be pretty fucking good. Then again, this is coming from someone who owns the soundtrack to Last Action Hero.

    I just found this channel VH1 MegaHits on my brother's cable package, and I must say I'm impressed. In terms of finding something that is Somewhat Not As Crappy (SNAC), it served its purpose. It did play all the crap that you'll find running on continual loop on MTV2, but I also saw some stuff that I hadn't seen in years, and was pretty happy to see. At one point I saw in order Crazy by The Artist Deformedly Known as Seal, One by U2, and Criminal by Fiona Apple. Again, nothing to write home about but definitely SNAC. By the way, that Fiona Apple video still gets me. It's just so dirty and so fucking hot all at the same time. Cripes.

    Creed has officially attained herpes status. They're pretty much gone, but they're guaranteed to show up every other month and totally fuck whatever you had going on in your life.

    I suffered through watching Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved video, and after hearing that they may retire so that they can go out on top, I have to say that these fuckers have to be the most conceited bastards in the world. They could at least be honest and say, "We wrote a bunch of cliched love songs, have ourselves nail hot chicks in the videos, and now we're going to stop so we can get more ass than a toilet seat from barely legal teenie-boppers." One lie always leads to another boys.

    Lastly, for just about every shitty rock band that comes out now , there seems to be one rule which they all to adhere to. Each song has to convey one of three messages, if not two, or all three if they're good:
    1. We're a bunch of lovable losers. Like you, but more lovable (see: Sum41 - Fat Lip)
    2. Just like you, I'm filled with angst. Ambiguously defined, pedestrian, whiny angst (see: anything by Papa Roach)
    3. We can save the world with just this song, but we have 11 more to sell along with it (see: anything vaguley associated with Creed)

  • kingjulien0

    I thought I was the only one who found that Fiona Apple video sexy. She can lay in the fetal position in my closet any day.

  • mattyd0

    haha, i feel you on that.

  • unfittoprint0

    Fiona makes me wanna shoot horse in the most tender way...

  • mattyd0

    i kinda dont know what that means.

  • vburo0

    what video?

    hook a bruvva up,


  • mattyd0