< Masaru Emoto

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  • Scottizzle0

    yea, that guy is a fraud. Funny stuff.

  • dahmc0

    Yeah. Masaru Emoto has been debunked by the scientific community. His pictures aren't even pics of water molecules as he claims, but just magnified ice crystals. Which form infinitly different combinations anyway.

    His experiments were criticized for being non-controlled. Meaning that basically he just took pics of clean frozen water, and dirty water and said the ice in the clean water looked better because of the positive emotion on it. If you were to take 2 jars of the same water, one with the word "Love" on it and one with the word "Optimus prime rules" for example, and see if there's a difference, then subsitute the word "Hate" for "Optimus Prime rules" you would see little difference.

    Nowhere can you find Emoto go into his methodology in depth. Add on to this, the fact that a guy named "Emoto" is studying the emotions of water, and you might have a good comic book villian.