IE Question
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- 15 Responses
- Gordy22
I've never given this much thought however it's just come to me...
How do you hide the scrollbar in IE when it's not needed? With Firefox, it's not there if there's no content however with IE, even if you're looking at about:blank it's there, lieing dormant, pissing me off.
Cheers ears.
- Gordy220
I'm such a dick.
I've sorted it.
I've been doing this shit for 4 years.
I feel a loser.
- cloned0
you should share your solution
with others in case they have the same question
- Gordy220
Ahm, it blanked it...
body scroll="no"
- ********0
I've never really though about it myself.
- cloned0
i already used that nugget on 4 pages. thanks yo
its the perfect compliment to overflow:hidden
- Gordy220
I'm not such a muppet after all.
- cloned0
you helped clean this…and this:
- Gordy220
Very nice Cloned; very nice.
- Gordy220
... I think you should put my name up there somewhere, dedicate a page to me or something...
"This site was made possible by Gordons invaluable knowledge adn contribution"
- cloned0
how big is your monitor gordy?
maybe ill slip a note in on the photoviewer
- Gordy220
In hindsite, don't you worry about it mate. The warm glow I'm feeling because I know I've helped someone today more than compensates.
- cloned0
ok i was gonna do it though
- ********0
Hang on.
If I put body scroll="yes" in FF, will that get rid of that horizontal "jump" when a centered page starts to scroll?
- Gordy220
Err... not a clue.
Be interested to find out if it does tho'!
How's things with you moth anyways? better? Going to come to the impending NTLondon outing?
Actually - going to *organise* the impending NTLondon outing?
- ********0
Actually - going to *organise* the impending NTLondon outing?
Me? Again?!
I'm ok. A lot of all this busy shit is over with at work for now, and my court apperance is also done... and I also got that weekend I was after last week. Sat on the sofa and didn't move. Was lovely.NT Meet huh?
I think I have a plan.