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- 27 Responses
- jeedoubleu
I could really use a hand with this:…I know its really something simple, but it's killing me! Any help at all would be much appreciated
- cloned0
what do you want it to do
- jeedoubleu0
the file is 1k.
I'm basically trying to get a movieclip to jump to a labelled frame in its own timeline, through a function on the main timeline.
Did I explain that right?
Once you download it open it up. You'll see what i'm trying to say.
- jeedoubleu0
This little peice of shit code has my mined fuckin' warped. Any help at all would be appreciated, and possibly rewarded with a sexual favour? Yes? No?
- ok_jason0
buttonClip = eval("button" + counter);
- jeedoubleu0
sorry jason, maybe im an idiot :) but I dont get it. Are you saying to just ad brackets?
- fate_redux0
The name of the MC is button1, not buttonClip. Fix your code.
- ok_jason0
No. Just use
eval("button" + counter);in your button actions. You need to turn the string into an object.
- fate_redux0
oops, all you need is an eval statement
on (release) {
buttonClip = "button" + counter;
counter ++;
- jeedoubleu0
Yo Jay!! I owe you big time! Just holla at me, aight
- fate_redux0
damn ok_jason beat me to it.
- jeedoubleu0
Thanks for coming out, maybe next year slugger.
- ok_jason0
buttonClip is just a reference to the mc/object.
I used to call those type of vars thisMC in everything so I knew they were just pointers.
- fate_redux0
- cloned0
he owes one of you two sexual favors
good luck with that
- ok_jason0
not me. not again.
- jeedoubleu0
ha ha. No really though, thank you.
- ok_jason0
cool cool. rock on.
you can also use _root["var"+counter]
this will allow more options...
if you need to set a dynamic var:
eval("var"+i) = "hello"
will throw and error,
_root["var"+1] = "hello"
will notboth work if you do:
myVar = eval("test"+i)
myVar = _root["test"+i]
but eval wont work the other way....
- jeedoubleu0
Wicked, thanks AMFA. I remember when your site was a tutorial site, it was wicked, but then your stopped posting shit.
Oh well its still hot shit.
I'm gonna get back to the matrix. Thanks again all!
ah.. yes thats cause im starting a new flash resource site under a different name.... been a little busy, but I am working on it....
It will (should) be live in the next few months.