bulldog Broadband
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- 13 Responses
- Gordy22
I'm having huge issues with the wankers - meant to be conneted a few weeks ago but still nothing. My issue is that they knew full well that there weren't enough ports available when they sucked me in and took my money and they new it would be months, not 3 weeks 'til connection. anyone else having issues with 'em?
- ********0
MAJOR issues.
I've heard nothing but horror stories. And the 5mb or whatever broadband they promise rarely touches that speed.
I got rid off them months and months ago and I STILL get random calls from desperate marketing people trying to get me to answer questions.
- Gordy220
I'm starting to get vindictive; they're f*cking over so many people it's wrong. They do however, have one of the best deals going which is a pain.
I want to get them some bad press but not sure how... Watchdog? What do we reckon.
- dsc0
shit - thanks for letting me know. I was looking at their site for the 4mb deal this morning . . .
- ********0
Yeah I know. I was seduced by the free phone calls and all that bandwidth. But really, the customer service is apalling.
ha yeah, get Nicky Campbell on they ass
- UndoUndo0
thanks you guys
I too was looking at getting a connection at home with them but I don't think i will now.
does anyone have any good recommendations?
- works0
Glad this thread has come up. Was really thinking of getting the 4 meg line.
- Gordy220
As much as I hate them, it's only certain places that they're being wank with - Shoreditch, Bermondsly, ealing to name but a few. My boss got his up and running in 2 weeks because his exchange had free ports.
Go to their site, do the phone number check and tell me what exchange you're under. I'll have a look on the BD Forum and see if there are issues...
But yeah - Nicky Cambell - I hate him but would love to see him tear into BD.
- soda0
a couple of mates of mine who live in west london swear by them, never had any trouble at all.
Everyone else I speak to have had a real shit storm...
maybe it's due to location?
- ribit0
I escaped from Bulldog. Actually they were OK in the last weeks before they let me go..
Bulldog problems already have been covered a lot in the media:
Of course I then had disasters with Homechoice (failed to install due to line quality issues) and Zen installation, but that was mainly due to BT's inability to do anything right...
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I dunno how many times I have to post these people, but:
Look like charlatans, run like a dream.
- works0
Moth, how long have you been with these guys and what package have you got?
- Gordy220
The thing with bulldog is that it's cheap, 4 meg line AND only a month contract; I have no idea what I'm doing month from momnth and I could do with out getting stuck with a huge 12 month contract.
Tho' Moth, I did see that your cowboys did a 3 monther...
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I've been with them about 4 months. I took the 512k, and they upgraded me to 1mb for £30 for the remaining 9 months of my contract.
They sometimes have special offers - free install and modem etc.... I got both when I signed up.