Printing Pretty from Flash

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  • 3 Responses
  • emmaopeel

    I am creating a small flash/interactive piece for a website. I want a user to make a customized list of items, and then be able to print that list (as a pdf? so that it prints lovely?) as a little reminder note for later.

    I can handle the flash part — what I don't know how to do is: how to draw that data out of flash, and then write the data into a printable format (hopefully inserting it into a graphically embellished framework in a printable document). Should I be studying xml? can I draw xml data into a pdf? Or do I build it into a html page (a low-res compromise)?

    Even if you don't know the nitty gritty details, I am at a conceptual roadblock — I am not really sure where to begin with this...


  • torres0

    I’ve never heard of anything like this being done before but I would be extremely interested in hearing about it... or at least what’s possible. Great question!

    I’m sure there is a way to get your list into an HTML file. You could use PHP to process all of your list items and then generate an HTML page with all of your graphical embellishments. I’ve never done this exact thing before but if you need some help I might know enough PHP to do this.

    Hopefully others can be of more help.

    Good luck!

  • kiselka0

    If the data is in a database then it would be easy to create dynamic PDF's.

  • UndoUndo0

    you can send the data from flash to a php page as a list of variables using sendAndLoad. With php you can use the variables from flash and the pdf functions of php to write out yr files as you wish.

    list to the functions below…