Paris - to do's
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- 25 Responses
- Gordy22
Apart from the glaringly obvious, (Louvre, Eiffel tower, Sacre Coeur etc) what do other people recommend to do there? Off there for the weekend...
Any other Galleries / museums worth visiting?
- Bunkum0
You should visit this place: It's way cool.
- ********0
buy a rose fer yer burd an' mek her feel speshul oan valentines weekend.
- taragee0
,my friends r going this weekend too
- pascii0
i wanna do paris too
- Gordy220
With you on that one Pascii -
in Paris in Paris.
- Blofeldt0
This may sound boring BUT there's this book by Thomas Cook holidays with loads of walks in that take you around the sights and everything, it had a silver spine I think, called signiture series or traveller. We went last march, was ferkin' ace, hardley anyone around, really romantic. Have a great time!
- Gordy220
Cheers Blofelt; I'll have a lookee for that.
- Bunkum0
Shoppin' til yer droppin':
- chossy0
Buy an exciting and fruity crepe.
- those0
drink wine...
- Blofeldt0
The latin quarter bit's pretty cool, Pigalle i think it's called. Lots of little shops and creperies.
Is there no NTer's from or live in Paris?
- monrobot0
MUST SEE buildings:-
Arab World Insitute…La Grande Arche de la Defense……Stunning, otherworldly paces to be.
- bitnik0
- Fondation Cartier (awesome building)
- La Défense (pure science fiction)
- Chinatown (well, not really big, but there is an entire web of underground streets and in one of them is a garage box that is used as a boudhist "temple")
- Musée de la publicité (right next to the louvre)
- The subway ... just love it
- Blofeldt0
Paris is very nice but the metro smells of piss
- ____0
- -leah-0
the picasso museum is wonderful, as well as the rodan one
- r_gaberz0
shoot the guys from m/m a mail, they gave me some pretty good tips (Palais de Tokyo was one of them)... lost the e-mail unfortunatly.
- housekey0
When I was there, i found a really cool jazz club called Le Petit Journal. (on the Blvd. St. Michel). Tiny place, no cover charge, really good music
- hatemail6570
If you have some extra cash go get a drink at the George V.
- Gordy220
Cheers for all the top tips people. One other thing; anyone been to the Buddabar - any good and where is it?