Shave me!
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- 11 Responses
- Gordy22
Donnie - 'tis superb. How'd you do it?
- clone0
layers and masking
- clone0
too bad excessive movements or something else doesn't cause a bloody nic
- ********0
I understand the shaved jaw beneath is a photo, did you shaved your eyebrows as well?
- wendell0
ho w it is it is made: flash =as df says it layers an dmasking. it i a copy off script i think form kjackdan hiphop game site i put up on NT 2 weeks! fun to take back over the eye of him. .
is it a one for tips??? can you make a blad w/ foto not eboy off to pixels art
- DonnieTV0
Thanks Gordy, it is just a mask of a shaved face over a bearded face as Clone says.
I didn't have the balls/stupidity to shave my eyebrows though, but I might pluck them from now on!
- clone0
i'm fairly sure the eyebrows were photoshopped for effect
- JamesEngage0
each hair was a movieclip
- rabattski0
i just gheyed you soooo much donnie. with stripes and shit. i feel dirty now.
- ********0
Nice one Donnie, I was trying to make something a bit similar a few months back but wanted the user to spray foam first and then shave...
couldn't figure out a way to achieve it though.
Also check out 9th October 2004 entry here.....
- DonnieTV0
I didn't rip that off MX_OnD - honest. I suppose it just isn't that original an idea ;)
I know you should use foam to shave - but then you can't see the funny facial hair you leave behind.
- ********0
No sayin' ye did Donnie, ken?
Ah hud the idea as weel but couldnae get the foam tae wurk, it is a fucken belter o' an idea like!
Mebbe's ah'll try again... wi' Nina Simone beltin' oot
"Shave me sumbuddy shave me...."