Berlin - current
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- 19 Responses
- Gordy22
Anyone know if there's anything worth doing in Berlin in the next week (20.12-27.12); staying there with my folks and need something to do - club nights, parades, festivals etc.
**I have searched the PVN and taken into account what's been written - want it more specific to now**
Thanks ever so.
- rabattski0
hold, today is 21, so you already in berlin? and parades? dude! it's winter :)
- Gordy220
I meant festive parades, not the love parade (when is that actually?)
- rabattski0
in the summer. last year was canceled though. still not clear if there will be one next year. money issues. then again, i'm not a love parade fan so i don't really care although for local businesses it's good :)
- Gordy220
Is it too popular now? You ever been to the Nottinghill Carnival In London? Used to be storming - great fun however now it's a victim of its own sucess; too busy, too many twats, too much trouble. The shining light is Norman Jays Good times bus; superb.
- rabattski0
well it grew incredibely big. although it has been decreasing a bit again. next year could be big again since it has been canceled for a year. thing is, i'm not a techno fan and i just can't stand thousands of people packed blowing whistles all the time. i would go mental, so i steer clear of that whole parade.
- Gordy220
Even tho' it'll be busy - I think I still want to do it; my folks are only in Berlin for a couple of years so wanna do it whilst I can. What date is it usually on? I take it you're from Berlin Rab?
- rabattski0
yep. broadcasting from berlin. but i moved here like only 2 years ago. loveparade is usually mid july. 10, 11, 12 or 13. not a exact fixed date.
- Gordy220
Ah - cool, thanks for that. And back to my original Qu. Anything you'd recommend?
- rabattski0
i'm so out of touch these days due to deadlines. i know there's this nasty country & western (if you dig that) performance at the roter salon tonight @ 22. say can you understand / read german? if so, just get the latest zitty (at any news stand) it's packed with everything you need to know and sorted per day (and all addresses are included).
- stewart0
check Programm if you're into jazz & bigbandmusic
- Gordy220
Alright - cheers stew, rab. One last thing; what's Berlins biggest club - I've already done tresor - ideally more of a housy club.
- rabattski0
hmmm biggest? hard to tell. i'd opt for wmf or panorama bar or maria am ostbahnhof or rio. i think you'll dig wmf and rio. but wait a minute, not sure if wmf is still @ the karl marx allee (brilliant piece or archicteture there btw). lemme check that. rio is @ chaussee strasse.
- rabattski0
yep. wmf is still there. is an ex-russian restaurant. basement is brilliant. red marble. lots of it. mostly techno / electro oriented parties. only on saturday.
- rabattski0
oh and this saturday the mitte karaoke dj team is spinning as well. those you have to hear. brilliant stuff.
- Gordy220
Thanks for that Rab - you're been more than helpful.
- rabattski0
no prob gordy. more people need to go to berlin though. city is bankrupt, lots of people are unemployed, could use the business :)
- Gordy220
I know - was over there for a couple of weeks in november - loved the place but was so surprised at how rundown it all was - my folks are in the east - Friedrichshain area - bullet holes everywhere!
- rabattski0
well east is the place to be though. most interesting stuff happens in east. yep. very rundown, due to lack of funding and sometimes they don't even know who owns it etc. bullet holes wise there's this house @ museum insel. totally full of it. you could actually see where they did shoot back etc. very macabre. i myself live in quite a rundown building from 1903 but must say i like it. has quite some charm.
- _smk0
I was in the same area of Berlin for a couple of weeks in June - I knda liked the run down aspect...
Have to say, probably my favorite destination yet, definately going back next year some time...