The Don of Don's
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- 31 Responses
- jeedoubleu
I have no idea who this girl is, if you find out please tell me!
- ********0
lol there have been liek 50 threads on this girl keeps getting deleted -probably cuz shes leik 13 u pervs!
- chossy0
I saw that and it made me sad. Then salisae told me she loved me and I became happy again :D
- Gorbie0
looks like me... minus the curves, spandex, health, youth, and ability to stand... add hair, frailty and bad posture of course.
- jevad0
look at that ARSE!!
- dopepope0
what happens when you find out?
- DutchBoy0
hahahaha.. just wait till QBN finds this thread!
- brandelec0
- dopepope0
that girl's talent is ASS.
- ********0
if she wasn't brunette she'd be a girl at work....
- dopepope0
Just remember fellas, no matter how hot she is, somebody somewhere is sick of her shit.
- ********0
i just emailed you the link to the rest of the photos if you havent seen them already
- toe_knee0
I'd eat her shit
- toe_knee0
cant believe i said that
- mrdobolina0
- ********0
i can u aminals
- mrdobolina0
- kezza_20
where are all the images on one page that someone posted last week?
- DutchBoy0
Just remember fellas, no matter how hot she is, somebody somewhere is sick of her shit.
(Dec 15 04, 17:00)hahahahaha!!!
- kezza_20
man, that is something else