OM portrait series

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  • 3 Responses
  • Che…

    Photographing unrecognized people allows a viewer's experience to be totally pure in seeing what is obviously being depicted within an image and in their creation of stories that the image provokes. Finding anonymous personalities and telling their stories intrigued me, and last summer I decided to embark on this journey. I found myself setting up a small studio in the midst of a festival in northern Ontario and photographing a huge number of people during a three-day period.

    As I look at the photographs now I still see the performances that were given by the subjects on the day their portraits were taken. Each sitter presented an aspect of his/her reality in his/her gesture and use of props and gives the viewer hints of his/her persona through clothing, body decorations, hair, stance etc. This is all we know of him/her. There are more questions formulated from the image, all of which ask, "Who are these people?" and the answers develop in the viewer's imagination and perception. I hope to find answers directly from the subjects themselves. Next year I plan to return to the festival with my collection of photographs, find the people in the shots and have them write a response to how their photograph represents them as a person. Undoubtedly each person will have changed with the elapsed time, but these pictures will always remain as they were taken.

  • blaw0

    the most intriguingthing i've seen in a while. i just keep going back through them.

    very cool.

  • Che0

    thank you. i will be doing more in this style soon, i will post the link

  • son0


    you know i love the smokers